
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Home Made Powerade or Gatorade

I have a brother that is an inventor. He has come up with the most amazing things since he was young. I remember when he was about 8, he played baseball and pitched. He built himself a net return out of some scrap lumber so that when he pitched the ball, it would fall into this ramp which returned the ball to him on the mound. 

A few years ago, I remember him telling me how he made his own Gatorade and Powerade with less sugar and how much it helped him keep hydrated over the years. 

Several times for family outings, he has brought a big container of it and I have actually enjoyed it. 

The recipe is simple. Buy some "Salt Balance" with potassium at Walmart or another store. Get whatever flavor packets of Kool-aid you want to make. 

Pour one packet of Kool-aid in with 1/2 tsp of the "Salt Balance" and 2/3 cup of sugar and mix in a 1/2 gallon of water.

Funny thing is, I have had to call him at least three times over the years as I can't seem to remember the measurements. He thought it was funny when I told him I wasn't able to remember that. He shared a little ditty about 1-2-3 to try and remember it and even thought I made it earlier, I got it wrong by writing 3/4 sugar instead of the 2/3rds cup. So, I told my brother I would just have to blog it so that I could look it up any time and not bother him anymore. 

I made up two batches and had saved up some Powerade bottles to refill and keep in the fridge so the girls can have them cold anytime and save me the $1 or more a bottle. 

I put their initials on them and I drank one today. I did measure the salt the first time I made it and didn't the second just eyeballing the measurement and my salt was a bit much on the second batch. I think I will stick to measuring it. However, if you experiment, you will find that you can decrease the sugar or salt to your liking. That is what is nice about this recipe. It gives you that option. The sodium/potassium mix in the salt balance helps you not get so dehydrated. 
We had a busy day today but ended the day going to a patriotic play with Princess number 6. She is fitting in well and is getting to try all sorts of new things. I also posted the moon. With all the wild fires around the country, the moon was red. Wish I had a better picture but you can see the color. 

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