
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

After 17 Years, We Took the Plunge

 I can't tell you how many times my kids have asked to go "canaling" in our small town. Only two girls had gone and each only went once. 

Not being from a small town, the idea of sitting in a tube in a canal full of dirty water didn't sound that appealing.  However, when Princess number 6 came, we are trying to find things for her to experience so we made a list of things we think would be fun and then try to fit them in. 

We don't own any tubes so the girls texted some of their friends asking if we could borrow some tubes today. My two daughters that haven't gone before and princess number 6 were excited to actually be able to go "Canaling."

We parked a car at the end of the run and then I drove to the other end of town and had the girls all walk in flip flops to the waters edge and after the all got into the water, I took their shoes to the car and then went back with my floating flip-flops on and in I went. 

It was a bit cold at first but with the hot sun, it felt really good. I had Princess number 6 put on lots of sun screen. My girls weren't as willing to comply. The run across town took just over an hour but made for a good trip.

All the girls and I enjoyed the run. I think they want to do it again with their friends.

When we finished the canal run, the girls put sprinklers on under the trampoline and went to town jumping. Princess number 5 forgot she didn't have sun screen on and while I was running and errand, she decided to fall asleep. Not the best when she hadn't complied to put on sun screen. 

We played the "question" game while floating down the canal so we could get to know the exchange student better. That too was fun. 

It was about time to take the plunge after 17 years I figure.

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