
Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome to Princess 6 - Start of a Wonderful Relationship

Today we picked up an exchange student from Spain. 

It is a match made in heaven. She fits right in. I knew we would be great friends when during our "thanksgiving" dinner of turkey etc, I asked her what her favorite dessert was and she answered "cheesecake." 
She speaks English very well and is slowly getting used to the girls humor. We enjoyed the dinner and then she took a little nap while watching a movie with the girls. For her, when we finally got to bed, it was 6 a.m. 

When I was an exchange student, I remember waking up the first morning in New Zealand and wondering "What the heck were my parents thinking sending my half way around the world to strangers homes?" 

When we discussed this, I asked her if she wanted a movie or something to put in, just in case she woke wide awake in the middle of the night. I mentioned she could get online as well. She said she had seasons of her favorite shows loaded onto her computer and I commented that things sure were different now when compared to when I was an exchange student. 

The ability for her to upload the pictures we took today and have her father have them when he gets up in the morning and to know she is fine really makes things different. It is such a blessing. 

I'll keep you informed of the fun things we are trying to do while she is here. I'll just call her Princess number 6 as I can see she is in our hearts for good already. 

Update on Princess number 2. She said this week has been the hardest in her mission and she isn't doing well. The boxes I sent aren't to her yet and she is dealing with lots of the symptoms of Morgellans. Please keep her in your prayers! 

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