
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Taking the Plunge Too Seriously - Crazy fourth

So, I wanted to post about our busy adventure's with the parade and other things but I am exhausted. That will have to wait for another day. I will let you know that Princess 3 and 6 decided to go canaling again today with some out of town friends. 

Since we had all gone before, I thought the event harmless enough. I guess I hadn't thought it through enough to add wearing shoes to the mix. I had company from out of town and had just finished cleaning up our bar-b-cue when I got a call from princess number 3 asking me to come pick her up. 

I thought this weird since she drove. When I asked her about it, she said she had cut her feet and they were bleeding. I asked a few questions and took some cloth and footie socks with me. I found her sitting with her feet dangling with blood dripped down the rocks. 

With the wet blood on her feet, I couldn't tell how bad the cuts were so I wrapped them in the cloth and put the socks on her. I took her home to shower and get a better look. 

That look ended us up in the ER for stitches. I was just glad it wasn't worse. I was frustrated it was on a holiday which makes it go from a $30 copay to a $500 plus bill. However, cuts start healing quickly and if you wait to stitch, it doesn't work so off to the ER for stitches. 
In all, it was somewhere between 10-15 stitches. I forgot to take pictures of it stitched. The friends she went with asked her to get pictures so they could see it. I asked if she and they were serious and they were so I took the camera to the hospital and took photos. The Dr. was more than happy to hold the wound open for me. Princess cried if I even asked to look at it but she was fine when she looked at the photo of it. Funny how that is. 

She will be fine but will be walking on fluffy slippers for a few weeks. 

I have to tell you how tired I am. I would tell you about my week but I am too tired. Just now as I was writing this, I wrote the line above about Princess crying if asked to look at it and I fell asleep and was dreaming as I was typing and wrote, "Princess cried if I even asked to look at it but she was fine when she looked at icemakers." lol I am not sure why I was dreaming about ice makers but that will let you know how tired I am. 

Grateful nothing major happened like hitting her head on a rock etc. Grateful we had a hospital that was staffed, clean, had supplies and no wait! Glad princess got to see her friends. 

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