
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Summer Bunko Family Reunion - Part 2

I am not sure what is going on with my picture space. I tried to post again about my family reunion and every time I try to upload a certain picture, it tells me my space is full but I can upload other pictures so I am not sure what the issue is but I still haven't taken the time to figure out my .com. 
I keep thinking my life will slow down some so I can take some time to get to it. Not so. I finally got a carpet guy here to lay the carpet that we had to rip up during the flooding a few weeks ago. He did a good job and I hope I will be able to find the time and money soon to put in tile in the laundry room to avoid this issue again.

I just wanted to show some of the fun pictures from the reunion but if I edit them, for some reason it won't let me post it so here is a picture of two of my sisters families after it was over. The kids told me that the game "bunko" was their favorite part.   

I buy prizes all year for it and elow is a picture of one of the winners picking out there prize.  I can't show any pictures that I have to edit so I can't show many as I don't have permission from all my extended family to show them. 

We had hot dogs which I got on sale. We got the buns at the bakery outlet. I keep all the decorations from year to year in a bin. I use a church to host and have all those coming bring a pot luck dish. Those near the venue bring salads. Those traveling get to bring deserts, chips, and drinks. I also provide the paper goods which I try to find on sale. 

I found that if I make it easy for people to come, more will show up. I bought 100 stick on name tags and we used all but four or five which means about 100 people came if everyone put on a name tag. I really enjoyed getting an update on what all my cousins are doing. It was fun. Several asked to keep it on that date every year. I think if all my cousins and their kids and grand kids showed up, I probably would have run out of prizes. I hope each year we can get a few more coming. It was fun for my family.    

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