
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mosaic Mustaches - Summer Craft Fun

 Princess number five and her friend were bored one day so I went down to the craft room and pulled out several craft "kits" we have gotten over the last few years. They decided on this mosaic kit. 

The kit comes with several patterns and different colored tiles for you to choose from but I was proud of Princess five, from the beginning, she thought out of the box. :-) 

Literally, she didn't use any of the patters from the box and she came up with a cute idea on the tiles as she didn't like the colors they offered so she used permanent markers to color the tiles to the colors they wanted. 

The kit came with a solid back board to glue the tiles onto. I thought how much fun it would be to cut out a few of the back boards and talk with a tile guy and have him save me all the pieces of cut and broken tile and then let the girls make their own out of real tiles. 

Basically, the kit just had a small bottle of glue they used a Popsicle stick to put the glue on the back of the tiles. Then, they made the pattern they wanted. I am not sure what the joke is with the girls and mustaches but that is what they wanted to make. 

After the tiles are all glued on the hard board, they had a little bag of dry grout they just added a little water and grouted the mosaic square. They washed off all the extra grout and there you have it. Mosaic Mustache tile square to put in our garden. 

Looking at it, I don't think the kit is probably worth it if your have creative kids. Also, I wonder if you contacted a tile center or a Home Depot, if they would keep a box of broken tiles for you. 
I have also seen where they take broken china and make a table top or squares using the broken dishes. There really wasn't much to it if you have tiles and grout. Just get a piece of hard wood for the base and use Elmer's glue to put it on.  Then grout. Have fun!

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