
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Morgellans Cure's - Suggestions and Trials

So this week, I spent $350 on nano particle Copper, Zinc, and Vanadium. Part of that was $60 for them to send it to her. Also, part of that total included some for Princess number one to see if it works on the problems she has had since going to the Philippines on a mission. If you remember, she came home sick and the Dr.'s never could figure out what caused her problem. Here are a few links to those posts. The first was when they said she was coming home sick. Next, when they thought it was Chikungunya. The third, is about the parasite/colon cleanse we used to get rid of the problem for a year or so. 

Parasites are so difficult to get rid of for good. If there is one in the body, it starts all over again. So, I spent $250 on things other people suggested that helped them at the health food store. 

I spent $100 on Nano Silver particles as that seems to be the thing that brings the most relief but figured if she mixed it up with the copper which is really good at killing parasites she may have better results. I spent $75 on a form of dermal Glutathione. They say that it helps take the toxins out from the parasite die off as it is one of the best antioxidants available. The reason it is dermal (skin application) is that the digestive process breaks down the Glutathione making it useless when taken in pill form. However, this lovely skin product smells like rotten eggs. She will just LOVE me when she gets that to put on. 

 I am also sending her a few things I already had and then there is the cost of mailing. I am praying that customs is ok with everything I am sending. There isn't anything I am sending that is on the "do not send" list but they are all weird things. 

I bought the laundry detergent and alfalfa pills one woman said helped her. She said that things left the sores in droves when she used that. 

Funny, I talked to a bio chemist today as he called me back from a message I left on his voice mail a few days ago. I asked about them making nano-copper and he said they hadn't done anything like that before but use lasers to make nano-silver. I explained to him Princess number 2's symptoms and he suggested that I have her find some Copper Sulfate at a farmers store in Taiwan because they use it in farming countries. He then told me to have her get some bleach and some apple cider vinegar and have her put 3 tablespoons bleach to 6 tablespoons vinegar in the water with a tsp of copper sulfate. He said that would change the ph of the water and would kill any fungus or parasites on the skin. I thought that was interesting as it was so close to what the lady in the other article posted about how she killed her skin lesions and got the bugs out. 

I guess the bugs don't like an alkaline ph and most of us are acidic which keeps us the perfect hosts for the little critters. 

I will type up instructions for each item and send it. She said she is finding relief from the teeth issues by oil swishing. I have that on my home pages. Here is a link to that. She is also taking charcoal which she say's helps. She is putting my "bug spray" (Click here for that) on her legs daily which she said is helping. She is taking GSE and Oregano which are also on my home pages. (Click here for those)

She saw a dentist who hit her teeth with a metal rod and asked if they hurt. She had been swishing and taking stuff by then and was feeling better anyway but said she now has 4 sores on her face that came out after she started taking stuff. The dentist told her that she had no cavities and the Dr. she saw said she looked great (even with all the skin sores) and sent me an email saying he thought she was fine. At first I was upset but then realized that even here, the Dr.'s did the same with my older princess and I would treat it the same way if she were here so I'll just send her the stuff and pray she can get over what is causing this since no one really knows anyway. 

One interesting fact I found out , Vanadium and Calcium are in the teeth. If this parasite attacks the teeth, the woman from the nano-mineral place made a good point, she thinks they attack the teeth roots to get the Vanadium or Calcium out. She thinks also the fact that it affects the sleep, it is messing with the Vanadium as that also helps you sleep. If you have a Vanadium deficiency, you have insomnia. She said that it could also be taking the magnesium which also affects sleep. So, she thinks it is one of three or all three minerals that the parasite is leaching. 

She was a big help as well with letting me know that you can't take silver and copper at the same time. I had already prayed about that and felt that she should take one then the other back and forth every hour but it was good to have that reinforced for me. She also shared that if she takes the copper, she needs more zinc. Zinc needs to be at a 4 to 1 ratio to Copper. So, if she takes 4 sprays of Zinc, she takes one of Copper at the same time. 

I will keep you informed as to how all this works for her. She said they have no bath tubs there so I suggested that she soak the affected area in a bucket with the alfalfa and soap mixture. 

I am not sure why I get to have all these weird things going on to experiment and figure out but wouldn't it be a blessing if she could figure it out and we could share it with all those suffering and cure it easily. Not cheaply, but when you figure how much the parasite tests they did on Princess number one cost, I am sure my bill is much less for this. Lets just pray this is a cure. 

The added bonus, I think the nano-potassium may just be the answer to my sleep apnea, which in turn would help my thyroid, which it turn would help my weight! I'll keep you informed on that as well.  

UPDATE- Look into Six Feathers Formula Black Salve Indian remedy. Some claim it has helped them cure their Morgellans! 

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