
Monday, May 28, 2012

Princess Number Three is "The One"

 Last week, Princess number three graduated high school. We had so much going on last week that I can't list them or the post would be huge but I just wanted to take a moment and share how proud I am of Princess Number 3. 
She graduated Magna Cum Laud which means she maintained a 3.90 GPA or higher for four years. 

She graduated with a four year academic letter. She had Honor cords in almost every subject. She was in the presidency of the National Honor Society being a three year member.

She spoke at graduation. She did an amazing job. She titled her talk, "The One." 

She talked about how we have all heard the phrase, "It takes a village" however, she then says that it takes "the one" in the village. The one student, the one janitor, the one administrator, teacher, civic leader, military, etc 

She had everyone picture that one teacher that made a difference to them. That one student, that one Janitor that found your phone. 

She then built it up to town, nation, and world. She invited them to all "Be the One" to make a difference. 

She did an amazing job and received many compliments. Princess Number One came down for the event and then rushed off camping. My dad and Step-mother (Only use the term for clarity as she is an amazing mother to our family)
came to be there to support her. They have five graduations to attend in four weeks in three states. What a blessing they are in our lives to be willing to make the trip for each child and make them feel important on their special day. 

They took my niece and princess three out to celebrate as they both graduated. Here they are together. They both are amazing girls and are setting great examples for their siblings.  

Thanks to everyone who came to support Princess number three. You were "the one" to her and she was "the one" to the student body for the past year. 

Congrats Princess Number three, I am proud of you, AND I LOVE you! I KNEW that comment would make you smile. ;-)

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