
Friday, May 25, 2012

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in my Basement

Tonight while I was at Princess number 5's dance recital, we had a flood. I got a call from a frantic Princess number 4 who was just leaving the house when she noticed water through the basement. I wouldn't normally answer during a recital but she new I was there so I thought it may be important. 

She told me it was flooded, that it was bad and asked how to stop the washer from pouring water out. Well, I helped her get the washer off which stopped the flow of water and then when I got home was horrified that it affected three rooms and the hall. 
I spent almost all night sucking up water, removing flooring, ringing out clothes and trying to dry items. We were blessed in so many ways however so I can't complain but pray that the carpet isn't ruined. 

The girls were all off at events and I was grateful when one neighbor brought over their wet/dry vac and I pulled out my carpet cleaner trying to suck up all the water. 

It was hard getting the carpet up as I have a water softener and the washer and dryer on it but the linoleum under was soaked so I will have to pull that all out as well. I don't know if I should claim it but pray that the carpet and pad aren't ruined but think the the pad is for sure and the linoleum for sure. I don't know but am exhausted from scraping wet tile and vacuuming up water. My hands are like sand paper. 

This is a bit too familiar as I had a ton of floods a few years back. Here is a link to that post

Hope your weekend is starting off better than mine~!

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