
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grandpa's Golf Lesson

 Something really cute happened this week. If you remember a few weeks ago that Princess Number 4 was on the golf team and they took state so she got to ride on the fire truck down Main Street. Here is a link to that post.   

She hasn't played much and I don't play so she is hoping to get some tips and help anywhere she can. My dad used to play golf every week along with his weekly hike. He was the best golfer I know personally so I suggested that Princess ask Grandpa for some help. 

My dad broke his arm a few years ago and hasn't been able to play competitive golf since. He plays in a tournament once a year now but can't enjoy the weekly game that he did for so many years. 

He was so animated giving Princess four her lesson. They used wiffle balls and practiced in the back yard. Too bad it wasn't the next day when the grass was mowed as it made it harder to hit with the longer grass but with the flooding and graduation, the lawn wasn't a priority. 

The top picture is through the kitchen window. We stood and watched as he showed her his tricks. His wife said, "I love watching him play golf." I also enjoyed watching him teach my daughter. They were the perfect pair. He was excited to pass on his knowledge, especially now that he can't play often and she was a sponge taking it all in.

After he left, she wrote down notes on his suggestions and today I looked out the window to find her hitting wiffle balls at the house in the newly mowed back grass. 

Thanks grandpa for passing your secrets on to Princess number 4. We are grateful for your travel time and willingness to support your grandchildren. We are blessed to have you in our lives! We LOVE you!

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