
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sauted Sirloin with Mushrooms and Dirty Eggs

I tried something new the other day and it was something the girls enjoyed and I really liked it so we have made it three times in the past two weeks. I took a package of thin sliced sirloin beef stakes and sliced them up. 

I then decided to try using coconut oil rather than the usual olive oil I normally use to saute it in sliced onions along with some crushed garlic and crushed red pepper.

I have made something similar before but the thing that made this meal different was that there was so much fluid due to the coconut oil and onions that I thought how I could utilize the liquid. 
I thought I would make some eggs in it and make them dirty like you would when you use the bacon grease to fry them. 

I cracked in a few eggs and let them boil until they were quite cooked and then flipped them. The girls don't like runny yolks so I broke open the yolk and let them cook all the way through. 
In the pictures today, someone came to my door just after I cracked the eggs into the pan so I asked one of the girls to flip them but it was a bit late so the eggs are more of a scrambled egg.

In the end, it didn't matter what the egg looked like. It tasted amazing as the eggs soak up the coconut oil and the garlic and pepper. 

The coconut oil gave it an interesting flavor and made it taste a bit sweeter than usual. The first time only princess number three was home. she told me she liked it a lot and had a second helping. She wanted more but I thought we should save some for the other princesses.

They appreciated it and had second helpings as well. They all complimented me on it and told me how much they liked it. 

That first experience I didn't add mushrooms. Princess number three doesn't especially like mushrooms. I actually didn't think of adding them until the second try. 

I am sure you could make this meal with any meat including bacon, ham or chicken. It sure was good with the steak though. I am sure this will be one of our new favorites.

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