
Monday, May 21, 2012

Almost Total Eclipse Coolest Thing Ever

I had a fun day with the girls today. We had lots going on but someone at a church graduation party for my eldest princess told us about using x-ray film to look at the eclipse when I mentioned we were in a hurry to get home to view it. On the way home, I looked through sun glasses and the top tinted portion of my windshield and we could see it ok but wanted to see if I could get some good pictures of it.
I went home and quickly got out my x-ray's from a broken hand years ago. It worked well. I wish I had some amazing lens filters with which to get it in color as the professionals do but fur us, this was great.
When I pulled out the x-rays, I didn't need glasses. We just viewed it through the darker portion of the x-ray rather than where the bone was. In some of the video or picture there is more light or glare due to the x-rays on film. I cut up one of the x-rays and the girls looked through that.
Figuring out these videos took way more time than I had tonight as I have an awards ceremony for Princess number 3 in the morning but I will post pictures and some options that I hadn't seen before when viewing and eclipse. I need to get to bed. It has been a long week and busy schedules which I will share about most likely at some point soon. It seems like I have so much going on that I haven't blogged much about things but this solar eclipse was just way too cool and once in a lifetime not to post about. It was almost total which is amazing in itself.
Hope you enjoy these short video clips. I am still learning the new blogger interface and tried over and over to upload these through this site and can't do it but had to load them to youtube and then on the site but they can't be more than a few seconds to do that with our slow internet so I tried to make the video clips short and it still took me hours. Perhaps some day they will upgrade our lines and make it easier for us to upload video.
I hope my week gets a bit less crazy but have a feeling you will be getting short posts or I will be having late nights. Either way, the heavens were full of signs today. I had some other things that felt like a new beginning today and just before the solar eclipse, Princess Number 4 found a penny at my feet.

Yesterday, Princess number five had a difficult day and was hours away and I couldn't help her, when she was stressed, she looked down and found a penny. I love how Heavenly Father gives that sign to my girls. Today, I felt there were several "signs" and not just in the heavens.

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