
Friday, May 18, 2012

Pedicure First in her 80's - It's About Time

I have a dear friend that I started visiting years ago though my church. She is in her 80's and over the last few years has had some health issues. I have visited her each time she has had to go to the hospital and the girls and I will sing to her. I have taken her on errands and helped her with a few things about the house but this last experience has been my favorite.

This last week, her daughter called and told me her mom was having a hard time keeping her spirits up. She asked if I would be able to go and spend a few hours with her the next day as none of her family could be there. I was honored she would ask and was thrilled to visit my friend.

I was a bit worried how to pass several hours until I said a quick prayer asking for guidance as to what I should do. I took over my pedicure kit. She wasn't sure at first she wanted me touching her feet. Most people get a bit stressed at first until I tell them I have seen just about every type of feet in my nursing and my massage years so they usually let me touch their feet in the end.

I let her pick a color and we started. We used two of the pink hospital basins to soak her feet and went from there. She actually had a file kit in her bedside so I didn't even have to use mine. I used my cuticle oil, lotion, and polish but what touched me the most was when she told me she had never had her toenails painted before.

I didn't believe that. She said to her knowledge, she didn't recall but thought maybe when polish first came out, she may have but nothing in the past 60 years at least.

When I had just finished painting her toenails, she said she needed to walk, jumped up, got her walker and with her pant legs still up and wet toenails walked out a few feet down the hall to the nurses station. She was beaming ear to ear to show off her pink toes. It reminded me of my girls. She came back and I gave her a manicure while her toes dried.

She went home the next day and I went to visit her a few days later at home and she still was happy with her pink toes. I was so glad her daughter thought to call me and ask me to spend some time with her at the hospital. It did more for me that it probably did for my friend.

I used to go to the local nursing home and sing the patient a song while I rubbed their feet with lotion when my girls were all on visitations with their dad. I haven't had all the girls gone now in years and gave up the foot rubbing for singing with my girls to the patients but should find some time to do that service. I know getting my feet rubbed is one of my favorite things.

Anyway, I wanted to share that as I asked my friend if she was OK with me putting her picture on my blog and she said she was. Also I know her daughter said she has been viewing it so I thought it would be fun for her to see her mom's smile while getting her pedicure.

I figured at 80 something it was about time for a pedicure! Love you Beth!

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