
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ways to View Solar Eclipse and

My darling daughters enjoyed viewing the eclipse with me. One Princess put on three pair of sunglasses and viewed it through the top of the windshield for a few minutes while eating "hot Cheetos" as you can see by the red fingers. Look at the grin.  

 While we were watching, most of our neighborhood was also out viewing it through film or glasses. However, when we looked over and saw this group looking away from the sun the entire time down at a piece of paper, we wondered what was up.

I couldn't resist and went over to see how they were viewing the eclipse backwards.  They poked a hole in a piece of paper no bigger than a pencil lead poke and then held a white piece of paper about 2 feet out and the eclipse shows through the hole in a shadow on the paper. I don't know with the pictures so small if you can see the moon's shadow on the paper but it was interesting. 

Here is a better picture where you can see the sun in the upper part of the paper. It is small but at least you could see something. 
Here are a few more pictures of the eclipse. I took most through two pieces of dark x-ray film. I also used the tinted portion of the windshield with one piece of x-ray film. There were many ways to view it. 

My sister bought some eclipse paper glasses for them to watch through. I felt sad that I didn't call Princess number one to watch as she said they all walked outside at her in-laws, took a look and said it looks just like the sun and went back inside. 

I remember looking through a pin hole in elementary school at an eclipse but it was only a partial and It was amazing to see the eclipse so close to full. A few more hour drive south and I would have been able to witness the entire ring of fire. 

I couldn't believe how quickly the eclipse crossed the sun. I could see it moving. It was amazing. I moved on through the eclipse ending with a view of a setting eclipse as it went behind the mountain. It was a fun thing to enjoy with my girls. 

Here is a picture of two girls sitting in the car with their glasses enjoying the view.
I highly recommend x-ray film next time you want to view an eclipse. Someone suggested lacing your hands and looking at the eclipse through your fingers. Lets just say, that didn't help! 

Last issue is Google stole my blogger as it won't allow me to use explorer. It is part of the problem with my uploading I think. They want you to use a Google service so they don't support explorer and thus, the late night posts trying to figure it out. 

Please be patient with me while I try to be patient with Google to figure this out.

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