
Friday, March 23, 2012

Updates on Life - Singles - Crafts

I finished the baby quilt I was working on. It really came out cute. I was going to give it away but thought I may save it for Princess number one. I'll have to think on that one. Here is a picture of that. Below is a close up of how the hearts came out as well. I really think it would be cute in not such a neutral color but gender specific as well.

Princess number five still hasn't finished the quilt she was working on so Princess number four said she wants to work on it and finish it so I may have to give Princess number five a deadline or tell her it will become Princess number 4's. I am trying to get some projects finished up. Here is a link to that post.

I am still having problems uploading videos as you can tell if you read the carrot juice post the other day. I don't know if it is this site but have a feeling it is both this site and my slow internet. I tried for three days to upload them from this site so that when you click on the link, it doesn't take you from the page. I will just have to load them directly to youtube and post the link on the page. There are many things on this site I love and some others that I don't.

With that, I got an email from my brother about a web hosting site having a sale. If you remember, he bought me "" and I tried in all my simplicity to get it running with my limited web design understanding. The site had limited use programs and I could get some things up and running but after spending a few days messing with it, I gave up. Here is a link to that post. My life, as you can see by reading this blog for two years, is very busy.

I checked out the site my brother mentioned and it was amazing. To buy and have them host for ten years cost me just over $30. Then, rather than messing with the whole "designing" thing, I just forwarded anything that came to that site, to this blog. I would rather have my own web page and design a new look but right now, I am getting Princess number 3 ready to graduate and start college. She went to an overnight interview for a leadership scholarship last weekend and we need to get her registered for classes and I am still dealing with a few other things in life that take precedence.

I am working on calling every single in my county age 30-55 and setting up a master database where I can email them and text them using one email. I have 100 singles on the list after a week of calling and still have hundreds of names of people to call. I contacted the local church's asking if they had anyone that may be interested and I had over 100 names just on my list from doing a dinner night once a month for several years for singles. So, I went through my list and am working on one of the church lists and still have 3 or 4 more to go. I figure if I start with every single coming from the first activity, then, there will be enough people there to make the activity fun. I have been really pleased with the response. I thought I would get people being upset at my calling or something. In the hundred people I have on the list, I had 5 that said they didn't want to be included in emails of activities. That really surprised me. I thought I would get more negative replies. I guess that people are having a hard time finding things to do in this small town and surrounding area so welcome someone doing something to make it better and easier to meet single people. I have made some wonderful friends from the dinners I started three to four years ago starting with just one friend and I, it grew to a list over 100. In this post about a game I have used over the years, the pictures are from a singles Christmas party we had back then. (Click here for that post.)

I am hoping to get all the calls made in the next week or two and starting with a big dinner in May. I had several summer cook-outs the summer before last, which were fun, and I am hoping to do some this summer.

I also wanted to let you know that my Heavenly Father still reminds me that he loves me. I find pennies regularly. I see the 111 numbers daily. Just a few days ago, I posted about reflexology and constipation (click here for that post) and when I clicked on the video I uploaded to make sure the video worked, I burst out laughing when I saw the length of the video was 1:11. I couldn't have planned that if I tried.

Heavenly Father is constantly showing me signs in my life that he is there and is watchful of me and my girls. I am so blessed. Anyone that has read this blog for more than a few days has to see how blessed I am.

My friend that I wrote about in the reflex post said the information and foot reflexology has been working wonders. She did say that it did slow down a little and I asked if she were pushing hard because she told me she was using the big toe of one foot to reflex the other foot. Sometimes, that may not be enough pressure to keep things moving. A knuckle or some other soft pointed object may work better giving you more constant results. I like the erasers better as I don't have to hurt my thumbs or knuckles to get a good pressure. The reflex stone is also wonderful. Some people use rounded crystals. Any of them would work fine.

Well, I am off to make a few more calls to singles as I can only call between 5:30 and 9:30 at night to reach most at home. I know this may be a lame post but it is a busy night. We are having friends over for a "Hunger Games" opening night party. Ok, well maybe not a party as it is a school night but we are soon headed over with four friends in tow to wait in line to get good seats and I bought the tickets a few weeks ago. They have been sold out for the midnight viewing since last Wednesday. Here is my post on "The Hunger Games" a few weeks ago.

On that note, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"

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