
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Princesses on Marimbas

Every year Princess 3 and 4 go to a competition where they compete against many other high schools in our category for a chance to go to the state competitions. The girls did well. They both played with an ensemble. Princess number 3 played a duet with one of her best friends and then the two girls played a duet together. The judges gave them some instruction and good advice I thought. We will see if they get a chance to play together at the state competition.

The judges told them they thought they could have done a harder piece. True, as they had seen them play before but I am not sure why they chose what they did. I was a bit sad that I didn't know that they could have sung together as part of the competition. My girls have always done band and dance as they already sing so we have never had any of them sing at the competitions.

I think when Princess number 4 and 5 are in high school together, we should have them sing together. This past Sunday in church, we had some visitors due to a friend leaving on a mission to Canada. The visitors turned around after the meeting and said, "We are so glad that you sat behind us today. It was worth coming just to hear you all sing. It was beautiful." I keep telling my girls that they should use that talent more but they are so busy using all their other talents that they don't have much time for that right now.

Thanks to all those who teach or have taught them. I love it when they share their talents with me and others. Here is a link to the youtube video. It will take you from this site. Until I get faster internet, it just won't work on this site unless the video is less than a minute in length and still takes me an hour to upload. Here they are, the two princesses with Mallets! Enjoy!

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