
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Here Comes the "Son"

The other day, I was headed out of town and the car had frost on the windows. There wasn't so much on the front window but on the back, I couldn't see out the window. My driveway has a slight incline so since I drive a standard, I put the clutch in and let the car roll back sometimes before starting it. I thought the frost crystals on the front window and the way the sun was coming through the back window was beautiful so I pulled out my camera to just get some pictures of the different crystals on the window.

I took a picture of the back window, then took two of the front window and when I turned back to the back window, I couldn't believe how quickly it was melting. I hurried and put it on "video" so I could catch how fast the window melted by just rolling the car down into the sun even though the morning was cold.

As I took pictures of the different crystals on the window, none were the same. I thought about how sometimes I feel cold and prickly like that. Each crystal had long sharp finger looking things as you can see by the pictures.

Then, as I video taped the crystals and frost melting away so quickly, I thought how sometime others in our lives are like the sun, their warmth melts the sharp edges away and can take down our defences so quickly.

Other times, it seems that no matter how kind others are to certain people they stay cold and sharp. However, when they allow Christ in their lives, the cold edges are gone and they allow His love to melt away all the sharpness within them.

Also, I wasn't able to see past the cold frost. There was a whole world beyond my limited view but because it was cold and hard, I couldn't see past that. Like when we can't forgive someone and we remain cold towards them. That coldness keeps the frost on the window and we can't see how by not forgiving, we may be missing out on a whole world outside that limited place.

If we allow Christ in to help us melt that frost, cold and hardness in our hearts towards the other person, it melts the barrier that keeps us from seeing clearly what is beyond. We may be able to then see things we may not even have know the frost was blocking from our view. When He starts to melt it, we can then see how much our view was obstructed.

The next morning, no sun was shining. I was scraping the window and it was so cold that even though I scraped off the cold, it was almost immediately back. I thought how when you take "the Son" out of the picture, there is immediately ice. But, out comes the "Son" and the ice melts within seconds.

Truly that is how I feel in my life. When Christ is there, I feel warm and happy and treat others well. When I have let my relationship with Him falter, I am colder and less warm towards others. So, I figured, I need to keep the "Son" in my life at all times so that I treat others better. I found that with the wedding and so much going on with dance etc, that I let my relationship with my Savior slip more than I should have and during the two hour drive after taking that video, I thought of ways that I could improve and keep myself on track that way.

Perhaps this metaphor won't touch anyone but me, but it did the job for me as I saw how the light melted my window in seconds. Truly, in my life, and yours, I hope we allow Him to warm each of us and melt away those sharp edges that may keep us from relationships with those around us.

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