
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adding Letters to Fingernail Polish

My daughter wanted to put a color on her fingernails and then write the color on top. Don't ask me why but she did. I was going to use the thin tipped fingernail polish we have to make the letters in white on top. While I was painting her nails, I had a few thoughts. I told her I thought it would look cool if we used stickers on her nails to make the letters as it would look better than my freehand letters.

Also, the stickers had so many options of shapes and pictures. I know they at one time sold scrape on stickers for nails and they have little stickers for girls that don't stay on but I thought it would be fun to try.

The other thought I had was to use the sticker like a stencil, painting another color over the sticker, then taking the sticker off and having the base blue show through with the letter on it and the top color everywhere but where the sticker was. We tried that with a letter on another finger and painted it over with red but the sticker began to get soft and when we pulled it up, it took more of the paint off. Perhaps the polish we used wasn't quick dry enough or had some elastic in it almost like a latex paint but after this failed attempt, we thought we had better try something else.

I then used clear coat over the stickers hoping it would "Seal" them in and after the first coat, she had to push down some of the ends as they dried to keep them down but after the second clear coat, they stayed just fine.

It is two days later and all of the stickers are still on and the nails look perfect. That is two school days as well so I know they have been used and tested. I thought it was great. We could do little character stickers for their favorite character or we could do team stickers, or just write little messages on their nails. I thought that was fun. They sell alphabet stickers in all colors and fonts so the possibilities are endless.

And, here is a link to me doing pedicures in Peru. It is one of my favorite posts.

What have you tried? The girls loved it and are excited for more.

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