
Friday, February 10, 2012

Because God Loves Me.... Friends, The Call

Last week, I had some Tender Mercies from my Heavenly Father. I have been having some trouble sleeping due to stress. The wedding, my missionary daughter leaving, getting Princess number three signed up for school and other life issues all at the same time, threw my thyroid off I think and for a few weeks, I was trying to get that figured out but only had 1 to 3 hours restless sleep a night.

I started to get things back to normal and am finally feeling better and wondered why I had that experience in my life. I have an aunt that had a similar thing not being able to sleep a few years ago and a few friends that have had similar situation and have learned a great many things that I will share soon but am working on a few more things before I post about it.

However, while pondering on it last week after waking with a somewhat good night sleep, I got a phone call from a dear friend that I met before I had children while working back east. I have only seen her once since moving and was really happy to visit with her. We talked for about an hour. It was wonderful. That afternoon, I spoke to a good friend who moved to Las Vegas years ago and then got married and this week was her first anniversary. We spoke for several hours and she is so happy.

A few days before that, a girlfriend that moved about seven years ago contacted me asking if she could stay for a few days. She surprised me by showing up a day early which ended up being the day after I spoke to my other friends.

While she was visiting, we went to a local store to pick up some pizza for dinner and I ran into my friend Julie who made the beautiful cake topper for Princess number 1. I invited her over and for about two hours I had two of my dearest friends with me visiting.... Both moved at the same time leaving me without most of my friends in town. I hadn't realized how much I missed them until I had them both here. I was thrilled to visit with them.

The next morning I went to see my girls dance and got to see Princess number one and Prince number one. They are so happy. It was fun to visit with them. That day, four different times, I found coins. I wasn't looking for them, I just think Heavenly Father wanted me to know I need to trust him.

The following day, I got to make breakfast and send my dear friend and her beautiful daughters on their way. I soon got a text from my very first friend in town inviting us to dinner. After the invite, I got a call from a member of our clergy inviting me to participate in the services that day. I got to share with the congregation my Tender Mercies of the week, tell them "hello" from all the visitors and how grateful I am for the blessing that Heavenly Father gives me daily.

The girls and I were talking that morning about how many blessings I had in just a day or two. Four of my closest friends called or visited in two days time, dinner with another, etc. For days and day, a song was going through my head and I had a reprieve for a few days but as I sat down to post on my blog, the song started going through my mind again. I couldn't remember the words so I did a search as I knew it was from "Narnia" and had "goodbye" in it. Here is the song, it is called, "The Call" and is by Regina Spektor.

"It started out as a feeling

Which then grew into a hope

Which then turned into a quiet thought

Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder

Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back

When you call me

No need to say goodbye

Just because every thing's changing

Doesn't mean it's never Been this way before

All you can do is try to know Who your friends are

As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon

And follow the light

You'll come back

When it's over

No need to say good bye

You'll come back

When it's over

No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning

It's just a feeling and no one knows yet

But just because they can't feel it too

Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger

Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back

When they call you

No need to say good bye

You'll come back

When they call you

No need to say good bye"

Once I read the lyrics, I know why it was going through my head. I know that even though I don't see or haven't seen or spoken much to those friends, I can pick up right where we left off in our friendship. Their really is no need to say goodbye! They do "come back", we may not know when, why or how, but in the end, they "come back," they "call me," and there is "no need to say good bye."

I do feel like things are "changing", They haven't "forgotten," I do feel like sometimes I am at war and have to "follow the light," and I'll let my "memories grow strong and stronger, Til there before my eyes," again.

Michelle, Julie, Teri, Debbie and all the rest of you wonderful friends that touch my life daily, "Call me" whenever you may need it and I pray, I will be inspired to "call you" when you need it, as you called me when I needed it. Let us all "Call" on our Heavenly Father often. Thank you Michelle, for the cute "Friendship" plate at the top, I cherish it.

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