
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Proud as a Mother Could Be!

I had something going that I was going to write about today but something happened that made me so proud. I don't know if it is a sin to be proud of your children or not. I had someone in my church one time say it was always a sin to be prideful but if it is a sin, then today I sinned.

There was a region meet for the girls dance teams and it was all the schools in the state for the same size schools. Because the people who do the sound heard my girls sing at the competition a few weeks ago, they were invited to sing the national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" at this regional competition. Here is a link to my post and them singing at the first competition.

This happened about 15 minutes before the competition was to begin. Princess number three called me telling me they were going to be singing. I climbed over many people to get to a spot where I would have a good view of them singing and facing the flag.

They were talking to the sound people and then I saw them run off behind the bleachers where no one could see them. I guessed they were going to practice. Imagine my thoughts as I saw them face each other, bow their heads and say a pray before they performed. I asked a friend to come take pictures with me and we both looked at each other and said how sweet it was to see that quiet moment between them.

They quickly ran through the song one time and then were on the floor singing. They were funny as they were singing it, they got quicker and quicker. Their team was the first team to dance at the competition. I think they were worried they wouldn't have time to run off after singing and get ready before their team was called onto the floor to dance.

I also had to run as their team didn't face the direction of the flag to dance so I cut off the applause (of which there was plenty) in order to run around the arena and down the stadium to my seat on half court so I could video and take pictures of the girls dancing.

I had several people say after that the girls brought a tear to their eye as they sang. They also complimented them on how well they harmonize together, which, I think they do. I wish I had the time and money to get them voice lessons but as busy as we are and with Princess number one getting married, Princess number two on a mission in Taiwan, Princess number three heading off to College and her Africa mission, along with dance, cars, phones and life, I think we will have to skip the voice lessons unless someone decides to scholarship them. :-(

So, I am as proud as a mother could be. My girls have their priorities straight. I asked them if it were OK if I posted this as I didn't want to if they felt it sacred or if it would embarrass them and they said, "No, we pray before every performance of any kind." Princess number three added, "After we finished up dancing tonight, I got all the girls gathered and we said a prayer of thanks."

Now tell me, wouldn't you be proud?

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