
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's Addictive Once You Start - Books on Tape

A few weeks ago, I visited with a friend about some CD's I had given her for Christmas. We got to talking about how she was listening to them with her son and what they liked and how she had been enjoying them. I then asked her if she ever tried listening to talk tapes or CD's and told her how I listen to them daily while I cook dinner or clean a room and mostly when I am driving out of town as they help me stay awake when the kids fall asleep etc.

I told her she could borrow some as I knew she would be driving out of town as her boys have sports matches coming up. She borrowed several books on CD to listen to while she drove.

I actually forgot I lent her the audio books. Fast forward to this last week. I get a call from her telling me that I made her an addict. I can't think of what she is talking about. She is breathing heavy and telling me she can't stand being at work because she can't stop thinking about what is going to happen next in her story and she can't wait to get off work to find out.

I started laughing as I knew what she was talking about all to well. Many nights I have finished cleaning up the kitchen and sat listening to the rest of the CD or tape before going to bed. Several times, I found my children sitting on the stairs listening when they should be in bed as they didn't want to miss any part of the story.

She said she had to go find a CD player for her kitchen now because she finds herself sitting in her car or looking for places to drive so she can finish listening to the rest of the story.

She told me she has never been much of a reader so this has opened up her life to something she has never known. She told me while she was out of town, she had finished the stories I lent her and she went and bought three more.

She told me that she used to call her sister when she was in the car and she hadn't talked to her sister in over a week and had to call and tell her sister she "had been replaced." I have to say that she has called me less since I got her addicted as well.

Over the years I have bought several of the same talk tapes by accident not realizing I had already bought it or I had it on tape and then bought it on CD. She said she wanted to buy them as I had them in a box for a yard sale. I think I have created a monster. However, I don't think she or her family is complaining.

If there is something I want my children to learn or an issue that we are dealing with, I will look for an audio book on that subject. I then play it when all the children are around. It then opens up that subject for discussion.

Also, I learned that I was wasting money buying the same book several times over. When I would go to put it away, I would find I already owned it. So, I made a list by author of all the talk tapes and printed the list out so that I can see what books I have already. This has also come in handy when I like an author so I look for specific authors as well.

I just finished listening to two books on CD by Clive Cussler. I really enjoyed his story lines and was thrilled that they didn't have foul language. They were long so they kept the kids involved even if they missed a cd or two. I find the girls don't mind helping around the house as much if they are listening to a story as they work. It is also great when you are painting because the work goes much quicker while having a story to listen to while you are working.

Most of my audio books I purchased at yard sales, second hand stores or the library when they are cleaning out inventory. Depending on the store, they are anywhere from $2 to $15 for a set. I won't usually pay more than $5 for any set even the 10 CD sets. If it is on tape, I usually won't pay more than $2 a set. I do have some longer 15 cassette tapes that I did pay a bit more for because I wanted the complete set and may have had book 1 and 3 on tape but was missing book 2 etc. The library usually sells them for a few dollars a set but when they clearance, they usually get rid of the whole set meaning many books by one author. I was able to get John Jakes, "Kent Chronicles" sets all at one time from the library.

Most library systems have audio books you can check out or try inter-library loan if you are looking for a specific book. I have been able to find any book I have been wanting to read on tape and usually free at the library or if I wait, for low cost at a second hand store and add it to my own library. I lend them out all the time and I am happy when my children listen to them as I know it will keep them awake while driving the long distances to and from college so I see them as an investment.

I think I may have posted on this before but I do have to warn you, that once you start listening to audio books, you may find yourself knowing much you never knew you didn't know!

This, however, is a real warning. ***Check out anything online and read reviews before listening with your family. I have had several instances when we got into a story only to have the F*** bomb dropped when the children were listening. I learned quickly to check out the author or only listen to new tapes when the kids weren't around to get a feel for the writer. Also, there was one or two tapes I threw out for sexual content or one was called "Intensity" and I could only listen to a tape or two before having to get rid of it. It was a "Silence of the lamb" type where girls were captive in basements etc. So, I really am warning you, it is addictive but choose carefully what you do listen to, just because someone is on the "Best Seller" list, doesn't mean I want my kids listening to it, or myself for that matter.


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