
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dancers Big Win Goes On and ON

I posted yesterday about how proud I was of my girls for a few things they did. That was just the beginning. The girls sang the National Anthem and then they danced the three competition dances and the team looked amazing. It was the best I have ever seen them perform.

While they were waiting for the judges scores to be tallied up, they had the drill competition where they take orders. There were girls from all over the state in the same size category as their school the floor was full of girls and both girls were in the top ten.

A judge pointed to someone near Princess number 4 and she thought she was out so she started off the floor and the judge followed her for half the length trying to recall her but she couldn't hear the judge and they resumed calling the orders so Princess number 4 took herself out without making a mistake on her part, just the judges.

Princess number 3 ended up taking third in the state. She did really well and the top three were from her school which was a nice bonus.

I was so busy with the singing and video taking and pictures that I didn't even look at the program. My friend sitting near me pointed out my daughters name in every category listed. She is a senior and they always award the seniors with the highest GPA's. So, she was named Academic All-Region. There were only 20 in the entire State.

She was also named All-Region Selections listing the best dancer in the region who were sent to compete in the State competition and they listed who made the All-State Team. She was one of 13 listed for the All-State team that was picked after a day competition where they teach all the girls sent from the All-Region Selections and have them learn a dance, then do the dance and judges select the winner and place them on the All-State team.

That was exciting since I hadn't known they were doing all that. None of my other princesses competed on the dance team when they were Seniors so that was new to me.

After that, the judges findings came out and they took a first, second and a third place in their dances. It was enough however to have them take the honor of winning region. The last time I think they won region was when my eldest Princess was a Jr.

I was happy for the girls as they have worked really hard and with Princess number three being a senior and having worked so hard all four years, it was a nice way to have her last competition end. They do have state coming up but it is still a wonderful thing for her to have to remember for her Senior year. The team went out to celebrate and we look forward to enjoying their last hurrah at state!

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