
Monday, November 7, 2011

Getting Chocolate and/or Peanut Butter Candy Off Upholstery

Tonight we had a wonderful time finally arriving home from being out of town yet again for Princess number three to a meeting about 4 hours from our home. We read scriptures as we try to do most nights and Princess number two had a peanut butter chocolate candy in the pouch of her hoodie. I am not sure if it was a Reese's peanute butter cup or just a similar candy but after we read, we talked for about an hour and laughed about things going on and just really enjoyed our time together.

Getting up to head to bed, Princess number two said how she liked the talking we do after reading most nights. She then got up and realized that the candy had rolled out of her pocket. She had been rubbing my feet (yes, I am spoiled by the girls) and it had melted on the bed cover and her jeans in two spots.

She picked up the big pieces and I told her not to scrub the rest in. I informed her to get a baggie with ice in it, a butter knife and some paper towel.

First, use the ice to harden the chocolate. Once it has been on the chocolate for about 30 seconds, take the knife and lift the fabric over the paper towel. Use the knife to gently scrape the chocolate off the fabric. This will usually get any chunks off.

Shake off the paper towel into the garbage and do the same thing again but this time the chunks will be much smaller. This will get it out of the fibers quite well and if you do it over the paper towel or garbage, it keeps the cocolate from getting another spot dirty.

When you have done the ice and knife thing several times, I then get a paper towel with warm water on it. Gently dab on the spot so that the paper towel will pick up anything left. Once it has picked up what it can and the spot is a bit damp, you can loosen anything you can with the back of the butter knife again.

Get a new paper towel with warm to hot water on it and gently rub the spot and it should come clean. If the chocolate has gotten ground it and it is a light color, you can use "Zout" to try and get the stain out. If you remember my post on getting fingernail polish out of wool carpet, you will remember me mentioning "Zout." Here is that post. I have also used it to get red Popsicle, blue berry juice, red paint, rust, chocolate and blood out of carpet. It works VERY well on clothes and grease as well.

Once I was through with that, I used the knife once more to take any lint from the paper towels off the upholstery and it dried looking wonderful.

Princess number two to get practice used the same technique to get the chocolate off her favorite jeans and to make sure used the Zout so she wouldn't have any question of it coming out.

This wasn't what I was going to post about today but accidents do happen and I figure I can't be the only one with this issue at Halloween time so I thought it would be as good a time as any to post about that. I have so many things going I can't wait to show you......

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