
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Invitations are DONE... Did You Get Yours?

I was up late on Wednesday night with my AMAZINGLY talented sister finishing the printing on the invitations. By the time I arrived home, it was very late and I didn't want to start putting together the invitations so we waited until Thursday night.

I rented some videos and we all stuck little cards with their initials on the side of the picture. The blessings to help with these invitations went on and on. My sister had lots of the cream envelopes free so we needed to make the invitations to the size of the letter as we needed 500 to send out. We priced photos and you already saw some of the photos I took for them to choose from earlier last month. Here is a link to that post if you missed it.

If we made the invitation the length of the envelope it doubled the price. If we made a 4x6 it was $.13 each on anything over 100 prints. We ordered 500 prints. We ran into some problems. My sister edited them in her own design software and had some issues with the color printing the same. At home on the computer they looked blue but when we printed them it came out near black or purple.

Her daughter designed some online and we had a problem that when she sent it online to Walmart, it would blow up the image some and cut off the boarder. The woman said they have that problem all the time if people design them at home. If you design them on their scanners and software, she said they have no problem. My sister had these same issues when she did my nieces invitations last year. I wish Walmart would fix the problem but don't say I didn't warn you. :-)

We finally figured out the problem with color and sizing and then we had to go to a print shop and have them cut just a little to fit into the envelope. The print shop also cut the strip of cream we used as the background. My sister is an expert chalker and did stacks at a time using her ink pad. I was amazed at how quickly she was able to ink 500 invites, envelopes, cards, etc. She did have hands like a blue smurf after for a few days. She learned when doing boxes of paper, wear gloves!

We taped on the "initials" card and the picture and stuffed the envelopes. The girls were up really late and one stayed up almost all night with me to make sure we got them done and up to Princess number one's wedding shower. Working all night, I finished the invites and finished printing the labels at noon the next morning and got a quick nap in before leaving for out of town.

Princess number one was able to hand out many of the family invitations at the shower and then took the one's his family needed and gave me the one's I could hand out. On our way home on Sunday before even going to the house, we delivered about half of the invitations in town. The girls weren't keen on it but I already spent $88 on stamps and don't think that will be enough so every person we hand deliver it to saves us almost $.50. Sounds cheap but we are on a tight budget so we will do what we need to and still make it a beautiful day for Princess number one.

I liked that they sell wedding stamps. I wasn't aware of that until I went to buy the stamps. I also liked that my AMAZINGLY talented sister put a map graphic under the blue on the invitation which brought in that theme to the invitations.

The pictures cost about $70 and the stamps $88 so far (we haven't gotten them all out yet.) The other items were donated by the paper company that saves scraps and gives them to my sister every week. The inks and tape were stuff my sister had and the labels I bought at a second hand store. But still, all in all, to get 500 invitations labeled plus postage for under $200, I thought that was great.

Two more blessings. My sisters printer needed an ink cartridge. I went to Walmart and picked one up for $45 or so. I was on my way to meet my sister to get it to her. She stopped at the thrift store before we were to meet and guess what she found? The exact cartridge we needed in the box for $1.50. While I was at Walmart in the check out line, I found a dime. I met her in a grocery store and on my way out after meeting her for the drop off, I found a dime in that store as well. I figure Heavenly Father was telling me not to worry about the costs and that he would take care of it. He is so good to watch over me that way. My sister brought back the ink cartridge today so I can return it and use that money on something else!

I have to give the credit for the invitations to my AMAZINGLY talented sister and her talented daughter for their help designing them. I also have to give credit to the three youngest princesses for helping put them together. I took the photo and did lots of the work and printed the labels. It was a group effort for sure!

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