
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dixie Salad - Family Tradition I Can't Live Without

When I was young, we would often on holidays go visit my grandparents who lived in the south. In those warmer climates, Pecans and Pomegranates grow quite well. My grandparents had a pecan orchard and had several pomegranate trees on their properties.

Every Thanksgiving and Christmas that I can recall, we would have what my grandpa called, "Dixie Salad" as it was mostly from things grown in the warmer climate of the south. I can't let a holiday go by without making this salad. My girls aren't crazy about nuts in things but tolerate them because in my opinion it isn't the same without them but this year I did relent and use sunflower seeds rather than pecans as my Princess number three said she would be OK with them over the pecans.

So, this year, we had an altered version but I will give you the original. I will tell you here the best way I have found to peel and use a pomegranate. Grandma used to have us sit on her porch and crack the walnuts while the women got the other food ready. As we got older, she allowed us to peel the pomegranates. It wasn't until many years later reading in a magazine that I read about this method and have used it ever since.

Cut the pomegranate in four. Place a quarter in a bowl of cool water. Push the back peel side of the pomegranate through forcing the little seed out and brush them into the bowl of water with your hands. The old way, we would end up with red hands and stains on the counter or cutting board. Now, no mess. It all goes into the water and then once you have all the seeds out, just dump out the water and you have the seeds left to use.

Dixie Salad

1 - 2 Large pomegranates seeded

1 container of "Cool Whip" or Dream whip made up

1/2 cup chopped pecan pieces

2 - 3 cut up apples of different types if you like. I core them and chop them into small pieces.

Mix all ingredients into a bowl and mix. It is simple but the textures and different flavors make this a favorite in my eyes. It is also a reminder of happy times with my grandmother as a child.

I hope you enjoy this. You can add other items as you like. Coconut, chocolate pudding, bits of candy cane broken up... anything, including sunflower seeds. ;-)

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