
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Twist to Two Favorites

I posted in the past about my potato salad. I usually add apples that are getting a bit older and probably wouldn't be picked up to eat by anyone but aren't "bad" yet. I get compliments each time I make it. This past week the food bank had overages on fruit and yogurt so I ended up with a case of pears. I dehydrated most of them but thought I would try adding some pears to my potato salad. So, I added it and it was really good. The pears did get a bit soft on the second day as they were "ripe" pears but it was really good.

Here is a link to the original potato salad.

The second thing I made this week that we added a new twist to was my black bean and vegetable salsa. Here is a link to the original salsa. This year I added something sweet. I put in nectarines off my tree. I have had others add mango's but I didn't have any but my daughter and friend that were visiting mentioned that it could use something sweet so I thought the nectarines are about the same sweet and texture as well as color as mango's so I tried it. It was a hit. We ate it for days. I just wanted to share that information with you as it gives some great options. Now is a great time to make them both with garden veggies.


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