
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We're in the Money and the Parade

Today was busy and crazy yet fulfilling day. It started early as we loaded up everything for the food bank booth into the car and over to the park. I made the girls eat a good breakfast and dropped them off at the parade beginning point on Main Street. As you can see in the photo, I also had the girls make a sign to promote recycling as our community is not large enough to afford it through the city. I got metal recycling going with proceeds to go to the team last year and it is doing well.

The weather was hot and muggy and we had a few bouts of rain involved but for the most part I would have to say it was a good day. With the rain, I was worried. But, with the stuff I donated and some help running the booth from my sister, her kids and a few few bank volunteers, we made $655. It is enough to pay the electric bill that is over due. I wish it were more but with the rain, it could have been much worse.

Princess number five made us sandwiches this morning which were wonderful and helped to keep us going while there as most of the signed up volunteers didn't show so we didn't get the breaks that we thought. All in all, I was glad I had the stuff at home to be able to make that much for them. The city donated the covered booth and a local company donated helium for the balloons.

I ran over to the parade just in time to take a few photos of the girls in the parade. I was heckled by a rude lady who couldn't allow me the 60 seconds to take a photo. I couldn't see my girls because there were so many children running into the middle of the road hoping for ATV's driving around throwing candy that in order for me to get a photo I was in the middle of the road. If I wait until they are in front of me, I can't find them and get photos of the two girls at different ends of the group. Several times in the past I have ended up with no photos of them in the parade with just those reasons.

I hope I have been more patient with others than that woman was with me. I was stressed helping the food bank with my time and money and not wanting to miss seeing and supporting my girls. Her comments are on my video and will be for eternity now. Her lack of patience with me for one minute while I was being patient with her kids while I was trying to help the community really upset my day. I wish I were better at forgiving quickly and letting things roll off rather than being hurt by such people and comments. I guess the sensitivity that helps me do such things as recycling to help the team/community and doing a booth to help the community and food bank also makes me sensitive to others unkind and unthoughtful comments.

If I had to be one way, I would choose to be how I am. I think of how I can help others before myself which I see as a good trait. Yesterday evening, I noticed my neighbor had all her children and grandchildren home and they were all outside watching fireworks. I took my camera over and got some cute family photos for them and immediately made a disc and gave it to them. I don't think most people think that way but thanks to my mother, my family often does.

I was grateful for the food bank director and her family for their help with the booth and especially for my sister and a few of her children for their donation of time and talents (my sister made balloon animals) today.

Keep the food bank in your prayers. We are having an emergency meeting in the morning about funding and possibly closing and how it would affect the smaller pantries that we service.

I was going to post about fireworks but will wait until tomorrow because this is getting long and I am exhausted. It was a good day. I'll let you know about how our war zone fireworks went tomorrow. I hope you had an amazing Fourth of July.

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