
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Fire Works War Zone

I heard that they changed some regulations about fireworks. I had no idea what that would mean for our neighborhood. For two days straight we had things going off that resembled a war zone.

On Sunday night the neighbor across the street had the back of his pickup (large bed) filled with fireworks. He and his family sat outside lighting fireworks for well over an hour. At first I had no idea that they were going off in the sky but my girls soon let me know that it was quite the show. When we sat on the front porch to watch them, we couldn't believe that there were about 6 different similar shows going on within one or two streets.

We watched for over an hour while eating nachos, Popsicles, and visiting until I thought I was getting eaten by mosquitoes and kept swatting at something and then it was crazy annoying so I ran inside only to find that the noises of all the fireworks caused an ant colony to swarm (or whatever the equivalent is to swarming) and my foot just happened to be in their path and little did I know that little black ants BITE! I swatted them off but found them for a few hours all over the house. I noticed cats and dogs huddling in fear for two days as well.

Monday night comes. I am so tired from working the booth. I enjoyed my youngest princess and a friend setting off some fireworks before dark along with many others around town.

Then, it was as if we were in a war torn country in the middle of a shelling barrage. There we two families on my street. four at the end of my street and probably 6 - 8 other families within 2 blocks of my house letting off the large over head fireworks. It the middle of the three hours of fireworks, the city set off the longest fireworks display I think I have ever witnessed. My children all actually said they were board and asked to do their own again.

I couldn't believe it. I took a video because I don't know that I will ever have the experience again to have so many fireworks going off at the same time all around. My guess is that because of the ban lift on fireworks, everyone

went crazy. It did make me wonder if things are better in the economy that people had extra spending money to buy so many fireworks.

About 9:30 my youngest and her sleep over buddy asked me to take them to the fireworks booth to buy more fireworks to light off. I didn't really want to do it but since Princess number five had helped all day at the Food Bank Booth, I couldn't say no. I took them over and I once again was amazed. I couldn't drive down the streets on any street I turned because each house had many people and cars out front doing fireworks in the street. I have NEVER seen so many people in my neighborhood for any reason in the 17 years we have lived here.

This was a first in my 40 something years of life. I was amazed by the whole event. I think you should listen to the video. That was hours into the events. I finally figured I wanted a video to remember it because I can't believe that it will ever be like that again. This isn't the best photo but so many have spots on them because the debris in the air would catch the flash so if you click on the photo, you can see all the debris. I have been finding pieces all over our yard for days now.

Anyway I look at it, I had a great day helping others and an amazing night witnessing something new and enjoying my kids having fun with each other and their friends.

I could help giving gratitude for our freedom and knowing that those same sounds going off in another part of the world are bringing terror and sorrow to many. I am grateful to be in a safe place and that my children only associate joy and happy memories with the loud noises.

I pray that all our Fourths will be as safe and joyous.

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