
Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh Say Can You See Them

God is so good to me. This weekend two of my princesses were in a patriotic program. Because I had to buy tickets many months in advance, I didn't know where they would be standing for the dances and bought tickets for the wrong side. They faced west and I bought tickets for the East Side.

Before the program started, I walked down to where they had just lined up and took a few photos. I asked the woman sitting on the front row is she happened to have an empty seat and she said, "actually I do, one of our group couldn't make it."

So, with that, I was sitting on the second row directly behind one princess and two rows away from the second princess for the dances.

How amazing is it that my Heavenly Father would do that for me two years in a row. He must know how much I love supporting my girls and getting good photos for them as they always want to see them when the program is over.

I went to a womens group that I started about 15 years ago where we play bunko and several of the mom's of dancers were there. I was sad to know that many of the mom's hadn't been to see their girls perform. I know that we are all busy and there is no judgement of my dearest friends but I felt sadness for the girls. I know when I perform, I always project more if I know someone I can focus on is in the audience. My girls kept looking around to see where I was sitting and I got some great photos. I know it mattered to them that I was there supporting them.

After it got dark and the concert portion started before the fireworks, I went to sit with the other three princesses. I did get some good photos of them from accross the stadium before going to sit with them. We drove home the long distance after the show as we are supporting the local food bank by running a booth at our local 4th of July city celebrations so I will be having a VERY busy 4th of July.

Two of the girls are in the parade down main street and then we are all serving in the booth for the day. We hope we make lots of money for the food bank which is having a financial crisis due to funding cuts. If you could help me pray for the food bank this week, it would be a blessing as we are looking at having to possibly shut down until they can get some grants. The food bank helps 6 or so smaller pantries in other communities as well so we pray they don't have to shut down.

So, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow as we paint fingernails, face tattoos, fishing booths, balloons, and a bean bag toss all for the food bank. If you are in town, stop by our booth and make a donation!

Have a Happy Fourth Today!

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