
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Candy Apple Burn Healed

Do you remember a few months ago when I was making candy apples? I tried a few flavors and while I was heating the "candy" I dripped some hot candy on my hand and got a bad burn? Well, I wanted to show how it healed over time. I took photos over time to show the progressions.

I first put tea tree oil on it within seconds of the burn. I also put on some lavender oil soon after. That night I started putting comfrey and vitamin e salve on it and the next day I put on Aloe Vera gel that has a mix of oils in it. I wish I started right away with putting vitamin E oil on it but it took me a few days to get on the ball with that treatment.

I took a vitamin E pill and poked a hole in the end. I then would put Tea Tree and/or Lavender oil on to disinfect and keep any discomfort down. l put the oils on then burn first, then fill the hole with the comfrey salve and then top it off with vitamin E oil and aloe and cover with a band aid. I would keep pulling off the dead skin so that the scar wouldn't be huge with lots of dead skin.

Using the Tea Tree oil kept the wound clean and pain free. It is by far the best oil I have found for teething and for burns. It numbs the burn within seconds. Then the Aloe keeps it cool and makes a film over the burn. The salve filled in the hole and kept it from drying out. The Vitamin E keeps things moist and clean while healing the burn.

Here is the final picture. It took some time but I felt like it was a healthy heal and could have been worse with more pain but the Tea Tree kept it mostly pain free.

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