
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday Princess number 5

It is official. I am old. My baby is now a young lady. Last week I had my oldest out of town visiting her boyfriend. My second finished up her last class at college and sent in papers to go on a mission like her older sister. My third daughter left for her service mission to Kenya and my fourth was at a week long religious youth event. That left Princess number 5 alone with me for her 12th birthday.

I was sad for her as this is such a big birthday for her and most summers she has been with her father on her birthday but it just worked out to be a weird week. This wasn't all bad for her though because we celebrated her birthday 3 times with another party in the plan.

We had a party with most of her sisters before any left. We had another the Sunday before we headed off to drop off sisters and one with her cousins on her actual birthday and we have one planned for her friends.

On her actual birthday, I was up at 4 a.m. taking her sister to the airport. We had all had a late night the night before so she slept in. We then went swimming at a friends house with her cousins. After that, we picked up pizza and ate and then we all headed to a rollerskating rink/bounce zone/laser tag place with her cousins to play.

I took her to get Sushi and we went and did service at one of our temples with her cousins. To do service there, you have to be 12 so this was her first opportunity to be able to assist there. It was a wonderful experience for her and she asked when she could attend again. She told me that she had a wonderful birthday because she got to celebrate it so many times with so many people in so many ways.

Happy 12th Princess!

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