
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lions on the Road to Africa

Princess number four is in Africa! She decided to take a friend along. The local Lions club gave her some money to help fund her trip and while she was at their meeting, someone made the comment for her to bring them back a lion. We laughed but the more we thought about it, we came up with the idea for her to take a little lion with her on the trip. She wants to get pictures of her and the lion together starting with packing and then all along the way so she can do a slide show after her return to thank those who helped sponsor her trip.

The lion helped her pack and got his hair braided when she got hers braided. He even got a bead.

He was up at the early hour of 4 a.m. to get to the airport and went through security peeking out of her backpack.

She left on Thursday morning and had a layover in Washington where they toured a few places and left Friday morning for Africa. I was on the calling tree for parents and got a call Saturday morning saying they were in Africa and doing well.

I have to say that I was a little nervous about letting her go. While I was feeling stress about it, I looked down and there was a penny. I laughed and knew that God let me know months ago that he wanted her on this trip. He blessed her with people who donated to the trip and she was able to come up with the funds to go so I need to trust that and Him.

On Friday, she called saying that all the group was at a movie in Washington D.C. and she was in her hotel room alone. Once again, I stressed that she was far away and alone. I was trying to give suggestions as she hadn't wanted to see that movie and she told me she was going to bed and just then, I looked down (I was at a party) and there at that exact moment was a penny at my feet. I let her know about the penny and how proud I was of her choices in life and that she would have a great trip and to get a good sleep for the busy day of flying the next day.

As I was driving back to where I was staying, I stopped at the store for some ice cream and I was thanking my Heavenly Father in my head for the blessing of the penny that night as it gave me peace to know he was watching over my children wherever they were. I finished my prayer of gratitude as I got out of the car and there on the ground was a nickle. I laughed out loud and got to share with my nephew and niece who were with me, the story about the penny and how they always show up and when I give gratitude for the penny, or whatever it is, he gives me more. I told them about the jar I have where I keep all the coins.

I also took Princess number three to a week long religious retreat for youth where she had classes, dances, games and activities with other youth of our faith. She enjoyed it. These two princesses won't see each other for a month with all they have going on. It's a crazy, yet wonderful summer.

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