
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Called To Serve - Happy Day

Today was a very busy day. It started with a Board meeting for the local food bank. I rushed home to drive with Princess number 1 to a job interview almost 3 hours away in a small town where she thinks things went well. She also drove half way up and back in a stick shift car which is new for her so that was fun.

While I waited for her I went to a local drive in to get a cool treat and wouldn't you know there was a dime on the ground. I took it as a good sign. I told my daughter on the way up that I looked at the clock at 11:11 and 1:11 before leaving and thought that today would be a good day.

As I was going to post about today, I forgot that when I posted about Kenya the other day, when I looked at the time I started posting, it was 1:11. I laughed and took a picture so that is the photo at the top.

Along with getting to spend the day with Princess number 1, I also got a letter in the mail the states where Princess number 2 will be going on a mission for our church. She will be going to Taiwan, Taipei and will be learning to speak Mandarin. She will be leaving October 26 after getting her visa and other items in order.

We enjoyed having everyone home tonight but Princess number three who is still in Kenya but will enjoy our weekend together and hope she is enjoying hers in Kenya.

I was going to post on some projects we are working on but I think I will leave it as it is late and I am tired and I will share those things with you tomorrow. We have so many projects going right now things are a bit crazy.

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