
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Making a Quilt Kit For Princess Number Five

My Heavenly Father loves me! I have been looking for gifts for my youngest Princess's birthday which is in a few weeks. She will be turning 12 and I want to make it a big day for her. I am on a limited budget but still want to make it fun. She wanted to go to a 4-H camp and make a quilt but wasn't able to do it as the class was full.

Today while I was at a second hand store, I got a bag of fabric for $4. The amazing thing was that the majority of the fabric was cut into perfect squares and someone had started sewing the quilt. The fabric is expensive soft bobble fabric in the cutest colors as you can see. The colors match her room.

I laid out the squares in the pattern they had started and only had to cut three strips into squares to finish the top. The bottom was also cut to the exact size that the quilt ended up being.

In order for her to be able to follow the pattern and get the squares in order. I labeled each row with a row number and side that the square is located. I then picked up the row in the order which they will be sewn and labeled the whole row and keeping them together so she can follow the pattern.

I then stacked the rows in the order she will sew them. I even had a few squares left over that I think we will make into a little pillow.

I labeled the back and the extra squares also. I then put large elastics around the whole stack so that they would be together and not lose the order they are in as well as making it a nice stack to give her for her birthday. I now she will love the blanket. It is so soft and her colors and best of all it will give us time together teaching her how to sew.

I wasn't able to pick up sewing until I was 16 and living in New Zealand. I hope that she will be able to pick it up and enjoy that talent in her life. What a great find for the day! I will post when she gets it finished.

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