
Monday, June 13, 2011

Crazy Summer Week Two Down

Princess number three went to a week long leadership training on state government last week. We missed having her around and with Princess number five with her father, and Princess number two having finished her last class last Thursday for her bachelors degree, the house was empty with just three of us.

We made the best of it keeping quite busy as you can see but it was VERY nice to go to Princess number three's graduation on Saturday and see so many wonderful and amazing girls dressed up in formal wear for their graduation.

I was so blessed walking in right before it started. I almost sat in the back but decided to see if I could find something closer. I was near the front when a woman on the front row asked if I just needed one seat. I said I did so I was in the front row able to video the graduation with no obstacles. There must have been over 1000 people there so that was such a blessing.

I did somehow miss her coming in on the procession as she was one of the first 20 girls and I was looking past her. She touched my elbow walking by to let me know. If I had been sitting anywhere else, I would have missed her. Also, they sent some of the girls the other way so it was also a blessing she walked past me.

She learned much and I was very impressed with the program. Both my older girls went but with small children and several hours drive each way for the graduation, I was never able to attend.

We enjoyed the drive home stopping for shakes, sweet potato fries and chicken sandwiches. She told me all about her weekend and the fun she had making new friends.

I am so blessed to have such amazing daughters. We were just having a discussion about how blessed we are and wonder why we ended up being born where we were and into such an amazing family when so many are born into slavery, poverty, abuse etc.

It makes you want to give gratitude daily for the country in which we live. It may have its flaws but at least we are free. Having watched "Gone With the Wind" today with the girls, that freedom came with such a cost. We are a blessed nation. God bless the USA.

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