
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Service for Service Men

I love that they are called "Service Men!" I think they are doing us a service. Our local guard unit is headed over seas for the third time. One of my best friends husbands went the first time and moved before the second and third. I don't know that he has ever been the same. I think "war" changes people.

I honor anyone that has served our country. I have a brother in the reserves. I think it takes a special person to be able to do what they do.

Last month, I took my sister to "Wingers" for her birthday. While we were sitting there, three couples arrived and one of the couples had a small infant. The men were wearing the standard military camos. We knew "who they were" (We didn't know them personally.) and where they were going as two of my daughters played at a concert honoring them.

I felt strongly impressed to pay for their meal. I told my sister what I was thinking and she said she wanted to help even though she probably has less than I do right now. I know she will be blessed for her service to the men and their families.

The unit was being shipped out in two days and they will be gone for over a year. I called over the waitress and asked for their bill. She had been on her way over to give them the check. They commented on how long it was taking to get their bill. My sister and I just smiled. The manager gave them a service discount which ended up being $15 which I appreciated.

I have done similar things when I felt impressed to do it but I had never done it for the military. They thanked us when they left and I told them that we thanked them and that we would do what we could to support their families while they were gone. I actually used the term, "We've got your back." however, I don't think that begins to measure up.

I read in "Time" magazine today that 5 US soldiers were killed in one attack. I think we just miss the news or they are tired of reporting it but it makes one think about these young fathers headed off for the third time in their small children's lives. What will the cost be to our future not having these men at home raising their children?

I hadn't intended on blogging about this at all but for some reason, this is what came up. I actually had the photos loading for a different act of "Service for the Service Men." but I will post about that tomorrow. I don't know why this came up today.

I may not have much money, but, I am not in a position to go to war, and, I am grateful there are people who are. I feel I can sacrifice a few movie rentals, snacks we like or other frivolous items in my life to provide a little happiness for those who are willing to put their lives on the line.

I am Grateful to the men and women who serve so I kept the receipt so that I could put it on my "Gratitude Frame" reminding me of the things for which I am grateful.

Thanks to the "Service" Men! I'll post tomorrow what I had planned on for today.

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