
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Big Win part 3d - Valentines Day part 4

If you remember, I sent my friend the camera I bought her on Thursday, February 7, 2008.

On the next day, Here is my journal entry: "Friday, February 8, 2008 ..... handed me a fed ex package and it was an over night package from New York. I hadn’t ordered anything so I opened it and I could see legal papers and I got nervous that ........ was doing something again. Then, I pulled it out and noticed that the first paragraph said something like, “Important information!

You entered the Panasonic high definition challenge contest a few months ago and your entry has been selected to be a possible winner in out contest.” So, I read the information and they wanted social security numbers, drivers license numbers, all the family’s full names and ages and I had to have it notarized. I thought they were going to a lot of trouble for just being a possible winner but they had a return paid fed ex package and everything.

There was a number on the letter and I went to the bank and got it notarized and then dropped it in the Fed ex box but the letter said I had five days to sign and return it. It was sent on the 7th but with the weekend, it won’t be picked up until the 11th and it is due on the 12th so I thought I had better call the number on the letter.

I thought it would be closed at the late hour back east but when I called, the woman from the letter answered her phone. I told her who I was and that I just wanted to let her know that I had filled everything out and it was in the box waiting to be delivered.

I thanked her for the package and asked her how many “Potential” winners there were. She said, “There are 3 grand prize winners”, I said, “Yes, but how many potential winners did you send letter to?” She said, “Only three.” So, I said, “then if everything looks good with the paperwork I have won?” She answered, “Yes.”

I thought it funny that I bought and sent out a digital camera better than mine yesterday to ..... and today, I get the letter telling me I won two. It would seem that God has one upped me again. And, it is Valentines again and I always seem to win on Valentines week and He keeps upping the surprise each Valentines day."

I didn't dare tell the girls until I was "cleared" as a winner. They still could find some reason not to give us the prize so I told them we "may" have won a prize. A week or so later, I was getting into bed and opened a book to read and it opened to the following as recorded in my journal the next day.

"Thursday, February 21, 2008- last night I was reading in Doctrine and Covenants 78:19 - And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." and I remember as I was going to sleep that I thought, "I gave away a camera that was $200 and I am winning a prize that was $20,000." It is true."

Check back tomorrow when I tell you what we won and show a video of getting the prizes! To be continued....

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