
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Big Win part 3c - Valentines Again part 4

Here was my entry:

Dear Panasonic Judges Panel,

November 29, 2007

First, I want to say that I have used my Panasonic Digital mini DV camcorder so long and hard that I have to bury it. I LOVED it so much during that past 9 years using it almost daily to log video of my five daughters that I was researching your latest products in order to get another quality product when I came upon your contest.

1 - In regard to you first question on the Essay portion, “Why would your family make a good HD spokes-family?” I would have to say, that my family would be the model family because I have a child of every age needing representation and we could connect with all age types. (my youngest is 8 and my oldest is a Jr. at College) I taught and recorded six emergency preparedness dvd’s and one is on the web and I offer all six to anyone that asks free of charge.

The winning of your wonderful products would make it so much easier to make and distribute such information in a more quality format. The sound on my video was hard to hear. If you are interested in viewing to see how much better they could be with quality products, the link is:

We are also a family of service and I respect your company first for the quality products that I have come to respect and love that earn loyal customers and second for your choice in contest and rewarding people for choosing to do service and use modern products of convenience to help others who may be in a worse situation than themselves.

I am a single mother of five daughters and even going through a difficult divorce, we often found time to go and sing to the patients at the local nursing home and as a massage therapist, I have also rubbed their feet with oil as we sing. I learned many years ago that when I start feeling sorry for myself, I go and do service. This choice has helped me through many difficult times and when my girls start to feel sorry for themselves, we go do small acts of service for neighbors, friends and the community.

2 - This last summer, we were blessed to go to Peru and do a service mission with 30 members of my family. We worked in a small Mountain village near Cusco. My grandfather’s estate left some money and my family voted to use the money for service rather than on other things even though many are on limited and low incomes. We realized we are far more blessed than most of the world’s inhabitants. Several other family members whom could not attend last year will be going this summer.

I would use the Panasonic winnings and go to Machu Picchu and video “The top of the world” with something like “When we are on the top of the world… we need to remember those who will never know what that is like.” And then show the mud huts the size of a bathroom in the U.S. that have no doors or windows and grass for a roof. I would show the little children playing in the dirt with sticks for toys. I would show how most of the world lives to remind us for a moment that there is a world of poverty out there and for the cost of a new HDTV you could spend 2 weeks serving those who have never even heard of a TV.

We feel we are blessed and why not share it. Thanks for giving others an opportunity to share also.

(About the location space where the winnings would go… my basement flooded while we were in PERU doing service this summer and insurance didn’t cover it. I had to get rid of everything and replace the wall. That is why there is no furniture in the photo)

Tomorrow, finding out we may have won! To be continued....

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