
Friday, May 20, 2011

Big Win part 3e - Valentines Again part 4

We found out that we won for sure on 3-3-08. The girls were so excited, as was I. In anticipation, I tried to quickly get my flooded basement refinished and I was shopping for furniture to put in the room where we were putting the winnings.

Here is my journal entry for Monday, March 17, 2008 – "I stopped at the furniture store and looked at entertainment centers and couches. When I walked in, the first TV I saw was so big. I looked at what size it was and freaked out when I saw it was a 50 inch plasma. I sat in a chair across from it and called ..... almost crying. I couldn’t believe it. I had tears. She was good to be kind about it. It would seem like boasting but I was overwhelmed by it.

I talked to the worker about it and he said he never knew anyone that won something big. I saw a Panasonic TV that was a 50 inch and it was so cool. It had the sd card slot. The worker asked it I knew the model number and I said 1080 and he freaked. He said that is the nicest model with the best resolution. He told me that the cable here doesn’t offer things in HD yet.

He said that if I hook up my TV to the antenna in the attic that I should get HD as the TV has a box in it. He said that the satellite still doesn’t have most things in HD yet and that I have to pay extra for things to be in HD and extra to get the local channels and extra for the dvr etc. I think if I can get reception I would be happy with the local channels in HD.

I looked at couch sets and found an entertainment center that I really liked but it is $2800. I don’t know if I am willing to put that much to getting it. I thanked him for his advice. He was stoked about the Blue Ray DVD player. I think he is more excited than I am."

The install company called me and asked if they could come and see where I was installing the items and see what they needed for the install. Here is my journal entry from that day.

"Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - I then came home as the install guys from Panasonic were here. They looked at the house and we are going to try to mount in on the entertainment center for now. He is going to see if they will send both the platform mount and the wall mount in case I want to wall mount at some point. He is going to install a router and I think since I can get the local channels in HD and the cable doesn’t provide them in HD, I will just ask if they will pay for my DSL instead. They left and I called .... and talked about how cool it will be having all the stand up surround speakers etc. The guys here both joked about sending it all to their houses."

On April 11, 2008 we got a call from a delivery person who picked it up from the airport and drove it to our small town and he was a bit lost and he was concerned that the TV box was going to be hard to get in by himself. I called my friend Lenny and asked if he would be willing to help carry it in. We ended up being able to get it in by ourselves. The video is me unpacking the boxes.

On April 16, 2008 the installers drove down and spent most of the day installing everything. They did a great job and it was a good day. The girls couldn't wait to try out the wii.

Check back Monday for the list of winnings, copy of the check and I hope I can upload our public service video made in Peru... To be continued....

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