
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Win part 3b - Valentines Again part 4

I had a small video camera which I LOVED and used for years. It broke in the summer of 2007 and because I used it so much and it cost about $1200 new with all the extra batteries etc, I didn't want a new one.

I paid to have it fixed which was about $75. I guess a little rubber band that drives the gears fell off. The man didn't replace it but just put the band back on. Within a month or so, it had fallen off again. I didn't want to keep having to pay to have it done so I tried to figure it out myself but couldn't so I knew I needed a new video camera.

I went to the library and looked at consumer reports and researched what they found to be the best product. I wasn't surprised that the camera they found to be the best was made by the same company that made the video camera I had loved and used for about 8 years. My TV, microwave, older video camera and a few other products were all made by this company and I found their products to be very reliable.

Journal entry Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - "..... has a program this week also and I have no video camera now. I need to take the time to see if I can find one online that is similar."

Journal entry Thursday, November 29, 2007 - "I then went to ....’s patriotic program. She was so cute and kept looking for me. I wish I had a video camera that was working as I would love to have had that for her. I need to get one before Christmas. I want to research it."

After writing in my journal that night, I got online and researched it and went to the company website and did some comparing of different types of cameras. Once I found one I liked, I looked online at pricing.

The problem I ran into was even if I could scrape together enough money to buy a camera, the new video camera's were all digital and my computer was pre-Y2K and wouldn't be able to interface with the newer camera so I would be looking at having to buy a new computer to go with the camera.

At that point, I got frustrated thinking a new camera was not going to happen. However, while I was on the company website, I noticed they had a contest. They wanted people to write a "public service announcement" as well as to tell them "Why your family would be a good spokes family?" for their company and lastly they wanted a photo of where you would put the winning products.

Before spending time writing out an essay, I decided to review the "contest rules" and when I saw that the contest ended on or around February 15, 2008, I laughed and thought to myself, "Wouldn't that be the funniest thing if I won on Valentines week like I have the last two prizes?"

To be Continued....

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