
Monday, May 16, 2011

Big Win part 3a - Valentines Again part 4

Last week I tried to use Firefox to upload the last two days of posts and haven't used it much before. I had nothing but problems and the posts went up wrong and Friday didn't post at all. It is now posted but I am sorry I didn't check it while out of town but wasn't near a computer. I hope you read Friday's post as it has information on an amazing health item.

I am also sorry about the confusing title but I figured if anyone wanted to just look up my winnings, they would have to read all the gratitude moments. There are lots of those, so, I thought I had better do them in parts with the same name. I changed the names on the wins to "Big Win" and this win needs more than one part so it will be 3a, 3b etc. Also, some of my Valentines day events actually weren't wins so I needed to do those in parts as well.

If you haven't read my "Big Win" parts 1 and 2 and my "Dream Believer, Valentines again" posts, before reading this new post, you may want to refresh yourself with those wins. They all have happened on Valentines Day week. Here are links to those posts:

The things mentioned in this post are such a blessing in my life and I use the products I won every day to post on my blog. If it weren't for the winnings, I wouldn't have the computer and camera used to write the blog. So, here is the story of "The big win part 3a."

Over the Christmas holiday season of 2008, a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in about 15 years sent me an email Christmas card. In it, she included some scanned pictures of her family. Some of the photos were blurry and for some reason when she scanned them it came across as one big photo and was really large and you had to use the mouse to click and move it to see them and you could only see part at a time.

In her reply to my Christmas letter, she wrote, "The only pictures I have is a collage my mom made when she came to visit after "baby..... was born. Some day I'll have a digital camera of my own . I'm so glad to hear from you. Love, ....."

I thought to myself, "I want to buy her a digital camera." Even though I hadn't seen her in years, I knew she had many children and her husband was having health problems so I thought that buying her a camera was something I could do for an old friend to bring joy into her life. With her just having a new baby, it would be great to have a camera on hand.

I wrote telling her I wanted to send her a "card" asking if I
could get her address. This took a few weeks to put together. I went to WalMart and bought a very nice digital camera and 2 extra sd cards. I spent almost exactly $200 on the camera, sd cards and shipping.

I was tempted to keep the nice camera and send out my used one that wasn't as nice but that was a momentary thought as I wanted her to have something nice and new just for her. She replied with her address on 2-06-08 by email. I got everything boxed up and here is my actual journal entry for "Thursday, February 07, 2008 -I sent out the digital camera I bought for ...... today. I also sent a card and two sd cards."

What I didn't know was that it was her birthday week. But, I know God knew and made it work out so she would get it for her birthday. Here is her actual email which she entitled "Hey S-n-e-a-k-y!" sent on 2-14-08 (Valentines Day). Thank you for the "card", I REALLY appreciate your thoughtfulness. I bet you forgot it was my birthday (the card didn't say) but you have almost perfect timing. I can't wait to see what cool things I can do. I'll make sure you get lots of pictures.Love ya too, ....."

Tomorrow, I will give you some history about my video camera and why I entered a contest to win one....

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