
Friday, May 13, 2011

Tree of Life - Moringa, Malunggay or Miracle Plant

I have a friend that told me about a product call Zija 2 years ago. I tried it for general health along with another friend who had some issues with high blood pressure. I always got a bit of a stomach ache when I would take the dry formula added to water and my friend had the same issue. I only tried it for a month or so. It is high fiber so our weak systems weren't used to it.

Fast forward to this January. I have been having thyroid issues and with that weight issues. I pondered on what
to take to help my health and the Zija I had in the cupboard came to my mind. I felt like I should take the powder by breaking it into thirds and taking some with my morning pills, some at lunch and some at night before bed with my evening pills. By breaking the one dose down into three, I was able to take it with no side effects and actually started feeling better and lost some weight.

I ran out of the powder and it was expensive and I don't have the money right now to buy it so a few weeks ago, when I had gained some of the weight back that I lost, I prayed and told my Heavenly Father that I wasn't feeling good and that I really liked how I felt on the Zija and that if he wanted me to do the things I felt he wanted me to do, he needed to help me get more of that or something else. I told him I didn't know how he would get it to me living in a small town but I knew he could.

A few months ago, after running out of the powder I had, I called the friend that told me about it and asked if she knew how I could get some perhaps out dated or something and she brought me over a few packets but said she didn't know of any way for me to get it discounted.

My oldest Princess then looked it up online and told me that in the Philippines where she was, this plant grew like a weed. Zija is made from the Moringa plant but in the Philippines, it is called Malunggay or "Tree of Life" or "Miracle plant." (The link takes you to Wiki) It has been getting more and more notice as the perfect plant and nutrition source. Every part of the tree, bark and fruit is usable and they keep finding more and more out about the tree. My daughter told me that usually if someone has a fruit tree in their yard, you would have to ask them if you could use it or have some. She said this plant is so common that it is the only tree you don't have to ask people to have, you just take it because it is everywhere. She said they took the long leaves off and would cook it like kale. She told me that people would always take it and tell her they used it for high blood pressure.

So, last week my friend that told me about it drops off a wedding invitation and tells me she knows a lady who bought some and never even tried it but was willing to sell it for half price. It was in the cans and I told her I was looking for the dried powder. She left. The next morning, I felt like I should call and ask her about it again. I called her and asked if she was sure that it wasn't the dry powder. She said she thought it was the cans and would let me know.

She called me back an hour later and told me that the lady checked the expiration da
te on the cans and that it was expired so she said I could have it if I came and picked it up. She lived about a 20 minute drive from my house. I went and picked it up. I couldn't believe it. There were 6 cases. Each case is about $90. I was shocked that the lady never even tried it but was willing to give it away.

Her son helped me carry it out to the car. As I stood there thanking them and started to get into my car, you won't believe what I found! That's right!!! A DIME!
I laughed and laughed as I called my daughter to tell her how I have to keep trusting my Heavenly Father as he helps me through this life. Who would have imagined that this woman would buy almost $600 worth of something to stick it on a shelf for a year and then give it to me just when I needed it?

I would love to have my daughters friends in the Philippines dry some of the Malunggay tree and ship it to me. I am guessing that would be cheaper than buying it from this MLM company but however the Lord wishes to bless me with this, I will take it! Here is a link to an article about Moringa/Malunggay and what they are finding. It is short but informative. Also you can click on the picture of the pamphlet and it will enlarge so you can see all the benefits of Moringa. It is known to help among other properties, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-tumor and anti-aging activities. I feel better taking it, maybe it will help you as well.

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