
Monday, April 4, 2011

Working, Birthday Weekend

We had a great weekend. I wanted to do "Part 2" of Castle Daze but things don't always work out how I think it will.

On Friday night we had my fourth daughters 14th birthday dinner and party. We went out to lunch as she didn't want me to take our usual cake to the cafeteria. So instead, we surprised her by taking her last class of the day doughnuts and we lit a candle and had the class sing "Happy Birthday" to her.

We had shrimp stir-fry for dinner as that was her request. We had a family party and gave her presents and then we watched movies together. It was a fun night.

Saturday, we worked in the yard for most of the day and are officially ready for spring. I only need to fix one sprinkler line I cut accidentally but fixed the lighting, and got all the flower beds ready and the lawn mowed and the playground raked etc. While I was cleaning the front yard, I saw a little stone I have that was looking rather weathered and ready to crack. It had the word, "Joy" on it. I thought I would throw it away. I picked it up and hidden underneath was a penny. I almost started crying.

My middle name is "Joy" and the cracked and weathered "Joy" was being supported underneath by a "In God We Trust" reminder penny. See this post: and you can search "penny" in the search at the bottom of the page to see all the wonderful "In God We Trust" moments in my life.

Of course I couldn't throw away the stone as it will remind me each time I walk in about how many times I feel "weathered in life" and like everything I do may not be worth it. However, through it all, my Heavenly Father supports me if I put my trust in Him. I put the penny into my special jar that I have just for such coins. It is amazing how many coins I find now.

Sunday, we watched messages from leaders of our church while we quilted squares for my third daughters baptism quilt. I finished pinning the squares last week and we started quilting this weekend. We got three 1/2 rows of ten quilted this weekend.

We are using dark red for the hand prints on her quilt and I really like how it is looking and how they are showing up. It stands out a little more than the white. She spent about an hour with me laying it out the way she wanted with the pockets and hand prints where she wanted with the colors running on the diagonal etc. It will be good to have another quilt done.

Like I said, it was a great weekend.

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