
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Doorbell Ditchers Blessing

My neighbor had her grandchildren down for the weekend. I live on a VERY quiet street where my children are the ONLY kids. Not one house has any kids home other than mine. I have seen them a few times and we have talked a little so they are familiar with me.

We had our doorbell ring while we were watching a documentary. My youngest ran to the door. There was no one there but, she could see a little boy about 5 and a little girl about 4 giggling and running toward my neighbors home.

We continued watching our show. The doorbell rang again. No one wanted to get it knowing what was going on. After about the 3rd or 4th time, I thought I needed to stop it so I hid inside the door watching but I didn't want to scare them. I did need to stop them from ringing the doorbell so I thought “How would Christ handle this?”

I grabbed a handful or suckers from my little stash box by the door and right before they rang the doorbell again, I opened the door. I said, “You guys must have come to my house because you needed a sucker. The oldest said, “yes” while the youngest said, “No.” The youngest looked like she thought they were in trouble and the oldest couldn't take his eyes off the suckers.

I then asked them if they had any cousins at their grandma’s house. The oldest said “Yes.” and the youngest said, “No.” and of course I laughed. I then asked how many cousins they had at their grandma’s house. They couldn’t figure it out so I sent 7 suckers back with them and said, “I will give you these suckers if you will stop ringing my doorbell.” They said they would and they did. It was funny.

I have a feeling that whenever they come to visit their grandma, they will be visiting my door for a sucker. I was glad for the inspiration on how to handle it. I will talk with their
grandmother about it so they will not go to strangers homes or accept candy from strangers but I also didn't want to "tattle" on them dragging them home or make it a traumatic experience for them. It was the best kind of doorbell ditchers ever.

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