
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Castle "Daze" - Jack and the Bean Stalk Part 2

If you remember a few days ago, I posted the first part of Castle days at my daughters middle school where the make castles out of garbage. (If you want to see any picture larger, just click on it.)

My darling youngest Princess had so much fun with this. I was thinking how much fun this project could be for a girls camp, boy scouts, young men or women's activity, achievement days, Knights of Freedom, primary aged children, home school group or any other group activity. You could even do it for a family reunion.

We used clear plastic packaging for the windows, old batting for the clouds. I had ivy from decorating several rooms in my home. My daughter used a ruler starting at the bottom and using a black Sharpie to make the lines for the castle brick. She then used a green Sharpie to draw ivy on the brick.

We used green jelly beans for the "beans" on the bean stalk. We used green floral wire from my boutique to wire them on. She used an old clock case I bought to take out the clock works for something else as "Jacks" house. It was flipped upside down so she could make a frame for the title. The back wall of the house and the sign were the inserts for a Christmas package. The sewing bobbins were the table and chairs. (We had plenty of bobbins available with all the quilting we've done lately.)

The harp was made with an old bead and a gold Christmas wire bow. The goose's golden eggs were old jelly belly beans covered with gold foil from a candy bar. The sheep in the giants hand was made from craft pom poms and felt. The castle sign and flooring were made from the same Christmas package insert.

The giants table is a ribbon spool and the chair is boxes which held punches. The knocker and handle on the front door were scavenged out of my work bench "extras" container. I thought it was cute that she said she didn't want a regular door handle, she wanted one like ours. The wing-nut was the perfect handle.

It is crazy but we ended up with a large garbage bag of stuff she didn't use so we called one of her friends asking if they needed anything to make their castle and we dropped it all off. I was surprised at how quickly stuff accumulated once we started thinking "castle of garbage." If you wanted to do something like this on a larger scale, I think you could enlist family or co-workers and it could be a fun activity.

We attached the "Castle Sweet Castle" and "Home Sweet Home" signs with "Fun Tac" so she could remove them after and use them on her scrapbook page with photos of her castle. She was really cute singing along to her ipod with ear buds in yesterday while she finished up the ivy. She was truly happy and having fun. Not many homework assignments get that type of response.

Next week they dress up for the day and have contests on the costumes and some older kids come in and judge the castles for awards. Its a fun week all around. They have all the castles on display for the week so families can go in and enjoy them.

What can you make out of trash? It really would work for anything!

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