
Friday, March 11, 2011

Use for Melted Candy Bars

I am going to ask you to forgive me up front for this post but I thought it was a good idea. I also have all my kids home this week and want to spend as much time with them as possible so this post will be short.

I have thrown away tons of candy that has gotten melted in my car or the kids bags etc over the years. If the bars are squished and then harden, my kids think something is wrong with them and won't eat them.

So as I had a handful of snickers that had melted in the car one day, I left them on the counter in the kitchen for a few days to see if anyone would eat them as they love "Snickers" bars. No takers. I even asked aloud and no one would eat them. I picked them up and was about to toss them when I thought, "I should crush them and put them on my toffee." (see below post)

I peeled (unwrapped doesn't seem to fit when they are melted) them and put them into a baggie and then put them in the freezer. Once frozen, you can put them in a chopper or high speed blender and make a snickers (or any other type of candy bar) topping out of them. If you like thicker chunks, you can use the back end of a knife and whack them while they are in a few Ziploc bags and they will crush while frozen and the chunks are bigger.

I have seen these snickers chunks on cakes before and I used chopped up butterfingers and other candy bars on my toffee before but I bet this would be really good on top of ice cream or a sundae or even in ice cream. I make homemade ice cream often in the summer. I think I will try this next summer as after camping, we always have melted chocolate and candy bars. (see below post)

Being on a diet while writing this is probably not in my best interest so I will call it good for today. Have a great weekend!

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