
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chia and Almond Peanut Butter Mint Shake

Since I pulled my Chia seeds out I have been trying to find a better recipe to take them rather than just swallowing down slimy seeds. The texture can be hard to overcome. So, I started experimenting.

I soaked about 1 table spoon of Chia seeds and 1/3 cup of raw almonds over night in bowls. In the morning, I dump both into a blender. I do rinse the almonds but not the Chia. I put 1/3 of a banana in (I don't want it really sweet) but you can add more if you like. I then add a spoonful of peanut butter but I try to make it healthy and will be getting some raw peanuts soon to make my own peanut butter. I then add a drop of mint oil. Any kind you like will do. One day I added some avocado to make it thicker. Then, I blend and drink.

It actually was fairly good and I think if I used frozen banana's it really would taste like a milkshake. The only part that was weird is that it was room temperature.

So, this is another way to use the Chia that I posted about a few weeks ago. Both were good, just different flavors. I will keep experimenting but I really like this shake so I think I will just use frozen banana's and use it as my breakfast in the morning as it really is good and healthy at the same time. If you have problems with peanuts, just leave them out and add cashews or some other nut that will make it more creamy. If you don't like bananas, try another fruit.

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