
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soda or Pop Can Tab Jewelry

My youngest daughter had a sleep over the other night and her friend brought over a bag of pop or soda tabs and some ribbon. They watched a very long "The 10th Kingdom" movie they have wanted to watch for awhile and made some really cute jewelry while they watched.

They raided my ribbon and picked some they liked and started up. They worked while they watched and made 6 pieces of jewelry while watching. I didn't get a picture of all the pieces as I forgot before her friend left but here is the necklace/bracelet that my daughter made and wore this week.

They take two pieces of ribbon about 1 1/2 times longer than you want the finished jewelry to be. So, measure around your neck or wrist and give it space to tie. Then add half again for the weave. It would be better to have some to cut off rather than have it be so small or short you couldn't use it.

If you look at the photos, you can see how you overlap the tabs as you weave them. In the necklace photo I have one side up and in the bracelet, I have the other side up so you can clearly see how they are overlapped as they are woven to make jewelry. They used different colors of ribbon solid and some with designs on them to mix it up.

I have started collecting the metal tabs myself but I think I am going to spray paint them black and other colors before weaving them to see how they look in different colors.

One of my girls was looking something up the other day and saw a hat made out of the soda can tabs that someone wove together. It was like a sun bonnet. I wouldn't wear it but I thought someone was rather creative. Then, just a few days later, these cute things show up at our house. It must be the new rage. Crafting with tabs! I have to say my older girls thought they were cute and I thought they would think it was stupid. They were excited to learn how to do it.

I'll have to show you how the painted tab jewelry turns out.

Here's to recycling!

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