
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today's Going to Be a Great Day!

The other morning, I woke to myself saying "Today's going to be a great day!" in my head. It actually startled me. I wasn't sure how to react as I have never had that happen before.

I forgot about it not much after it happened and went about my day. I did the normal daily stuff like working out, showering, etc. Nothing fabulous to that point. It got to be really crazy in the middle of the day but I ended up getting $37 for each of my older girls sports accounts at school from the city recycling I set up last summer as a fund raiser for the team. We also were able to help other girls on the team who needed help with their fees as well using that money.

I went to the store shopping and had two containers of ice cream in my cart. My second oldest will be home next week for spring break so I bought the cheapest brand on sale for a treat while she is home. I am in the checkout and someone I knew was in front of me. She said, "I know you are like me and like a bargain so you may want to check out the end cap as they are clearancing everything in it for $2 each." I went over and they had "Ben and Jerry's" along with some other wonderful brands and flavors we like as well as our favorite pizza's all on sale for $2 each. I bought each girl their own ice cream and enough pizza's for a party/pedicure night next week.

I then called the health department to ask about shots for my daughter that is going to Kenya on a service mission this summer. She was supposed to drive 6 hours to a "travel clinic" to get shots and when I called and found out how much the shots were going to be, it was about $500. Not to mention the $100 in gas plus the cost of food for the trip and the drive time.

I spoke with a nurse at the local health department which is about 2 minutes drive from our house and asked if I could just go in and have her review what shots my daughter needed and which they had on hand. At least I could save gas money. I went in and talked with her and explained the insurance for the kids being out of state and how I don't get paid for them. She told me she thought I would qualify for discounted shots which I didn't even know they offered.

I then spoke with the financial person at the health department and they checked into it and I did qualify for the discounted shots. It was $14.50 a shot. All four of the shots she needed plus one for another daughter were under $100. And the bonus is I don't have to drive 6 hours or pay for gas etc.

My sister introduced me to "Monk." It is a show that was on cable. I just happened to mention it to a friend and she happens to have them on DVD. I can't get netflix because my internet is slow so I didn't have a way to watch them. Now, I can watch them whenever I want. So, I picked up season two from them and climbed into the bath and watched two episodes. I don't usually have time for baths I think it is usually about one every six months.

As I was finishing up typing an application item for one of my daughters to apply for a scholarship to something this summer, I played a game of electronic Yahtzee. The first roll I got was 5 one's in a row for my first Yahtzee. The third roll was a Yahtzee on 4's and I got 5 Yahtzee's in that game. I think it is the highest I have ever seen on an electronic Yahtzee game.

As I went to put it down, I remembered back to that morning when I had the thought, "Today's going to be a great day!" and I thought back over the day. There were several other great things that I won't share but it was a GREAT DAY after all.

I wondered to myself what would happen if I woke up every morning thinking to myself, "Today is going to be a great day!" how my life would be? I think I am going to try it!

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