
Monday, December 20, 2010

Unexpected Surprise - David Archuleta Christmas Part 1

My sister-in-law and others I know (including me) tried to get tickets for a Christmas concert with the famous David Archuleta who was the guest singer with the Tabernacle Choir for a Christmas special that was filmed for PBS this past weekend.

My sister-in-law won the lottery and got tickets. None of the other people that I know drew out and the email we got said they had one and a half million requests for tickets.

I sent my sister-in-law a note joking that if her boys needed dates for the show, my girls would LOVE to go. At thanksgiving, she said that her boys weren't interested in going but that she put in for tickets knowing that there were many in the family that would like to go. She said that since I asked first, she was giving me the four tickets she was given.

MY GIRLS FREAKED! They didn't want to travel alone the long distance to a city they didn't know for driving etc so they asked me to drive them and pick them up. I contacted a friend in the area and asked to spend the time I had with her to "catch up" and enjoy dinner together.

We had a bit of drama on Thursday where the girls were involved with school activities on the weekend and possibly weren't going to be able to go to the concert after all. My youngest came up right as I was stressing about it and handed me this penny saying she just found it. I laughed and thought, Why am I not trusting God? If he wants them to go, they will go. I no sooner thought that then I went to the bathroom and in the drain was a penny. I laughed again and in my head to God, that I got it.

Friday was very busy packing, driving, picking up girls from different locations and meeting others and we rushed to get them to the concert on time as they will give your seat to those who are in "stand by" lines if you don't arrive early enough. I got a call an hour or so before from my friend telling me her mother-in-law passed away and she wasn't able to meet me. I was sad for her loss and that I wouldn't be able to visit with her.

I dropped them off and figured there was no way I would be able to get in on standby that late so I was going to sleep in the car and take a nap. When I parked many blocks away, I thought, I should say a prayer and ask that I can find someone with an extra ticket so I can enjoy the concert also and not sit in a cold, dark parking garage. I got out and started the walk to the concert. I asked a few people walking but none had tickets.

As I stepped onto the block where the concert was being held, a man in front of me turned around and started walking back the way he had come. I asked if he had an extra ticket and he said, "Yes, here!" I thanked him and he walked off.

I got in a long line and then asked if I was supposed to go to a specific door. They told me that on my ticket, there was a 15, so I should go to door 15. I started walking around the building and as I walked, I overheard someone ask about door 15. The person answered saying, "I think that door is already closed." So, I went to the door nearest where I was and it was a very short line. The man at the door said that they may be full and they had to wait and see if there were any more seats. I said another prayer and in about 1 minute, they let our whole line go in while the other lines were slowly moving.

I immediately rushed up the stairs rather than waiting for the escalators. I walked to the first entry door I could find and they were just closing the door. I asked about seating and the woman said they were full and were now sending people to an overflow building for seating to watch on video. I told her my girls were in the main hall and that perhaps I could find a seat. She let me in. I went down a few sections and asked an usher woman if by any chance there were one seat in her section. She said she would see.

She walked down about 20 rows and asked a few questions and held up her hand with a 1 finger. I went down, sat and I was almost directly in front of the stage on the low balcony. The people around me said a man sat there for an hour and then got up and left and never came back.

I had a great view and it was by far the most amazing Christmas concert I had ever seen. I have seen the Tabernacle Choir a few times live but this was AMAZING. David was so cute and his voice was wonderful. I was almost in tears a few times with how beautiful it was with live dancers, beautiful scenery, the worlds most amazing choir and David Archuleta has such a pure voice, it was BEAUTIFUL! I am sure none of my girls will ever forget that night......

It was amazing that I could get a ticket, walk in, get a seat in about 5 minutes. There were people with tickets that waited 45 minutes in line and ended up not getting in according to the news that night. I guess they give out more tickets than seats figuring on some "no shows" but for a concert like that, they all showed.

How wonderful that God cared enough about me to provide all that for me. The right person on the corner, moving from the long line to another area and overhearing about the door being closed, finding the shorter door line, getting in on the lower level and the man leaving so I could have a seat saved. All miracles in my little realm.

To be continued... There is more to tell so don't miss tomorrow!

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